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TWIRP. The one dance of the year where the girl asks the guy. Or in your case, the one dance of the year where you'd stay home watching your favorite show without anyone disturbing you instead of summoning up the courage to ask a certain someone and getting rejected.

At least, that's what you thought TWIRP would be like. Instead, your friends decided to ask the guys they liked to the dance via a scavenger hunt and were forcing you to join. And so here you were, wandering through Target with your girl friends to get supplies.

"I don't see why your making me do this," you insisted. "I know Danny doesn't think of me the same way; he's gonna say no!"

"So you think," your friend Sarah smirked. "But I happened to overhear a very interesting conversation where Danny said you were his type." You blinked a few times, trying to let her words sink in.

"He said I'm his what now?" The others all burst out laughing and your friend Claire shoved a big piece of poster board into your arms.

"His type," your friend Lily replied, tossing you a pack of markers. "So stop worrying and help us plan this out!" The four of you went up to the counter to pay and drove back to Lily's house, where the next few hours were spent drawing and coloring the poster boards and writing the hints you planned to leave around town for the boys.

The next day at lunch, you, Sarah, Claire, and Lily sat with the boys. Sarah and Claire were in a seemingly heated debate with Jake and Dylan and Lily and Sam were watching a video together. The only quiet people were you and your best friend - and crush - Danny. As you stabbed into your pasta, Danny - who was sitting next to you - tapped your shoulder.

"Hey, (your name), are you going to TWIRP?" he asked. You hung your head and shrugged.

"If the guy I'm planning to ask says yes," you replied. Danny nodded and turned back to his crème brûlée. 'He seemed annoyed,' you noticed. You almost laughed. Little did he know he was getting annoyed with himself.

After school, Sarah made a group chat with you, your friends, Danny, and the other boys in it and winked at your group before sending the first text.

"Gentlemen," the text read. "We girls have a question to ask you all. To find out what it is, head to the place where we sit in the back."
As you drove to the cafe, you leaned forward to face Sarah in the rear view mirror.

"Do you think they'll get it?" you asked.

"Of course they'll get it," Sarah assured you. "The guys aren't dumb. They'll have it figured out the second they leave the school!" She stopped in front of the cafe your group always hung out at and handed Lily the first clue. Lily ran inside, dropped the envelope on your usual table, and came back to the car. She gestured for Sarah to drive and the four of you headed to your second location. As Sarah stopped at the movie theater, you noticed Claire looking around the front of the building for a place to leave the second clue before settling on a place. Claire jumped out of the car, slipped the envelope behind a movie poster display case, and jumped back in.

As Sarah drove to your final location, you couldn't help but worry. You had all come up with a clue that hinted at your feelings to the guy you were asking, and you were wondering if your clue was a little too obvious, as it dealt with the story of when you'd first realized you had feelings for Danny. It was at the park in mid-December, and your group had decided to go ice skating together. Danny had held your hands the entire time, making sure you didn't fall and hurt yourself as you'd never gone ice skating before, so you put clue had mentioned it as the place "(your name)'s heart melted into Danny's embrace." It was cringy, you had to admit, but you'd been too caught up in the moment to describe it any other way. Sarah stopped the car suddenly, pulling you from your thoughts as you realized you were at the park. You got out of the car and each of your friends grabbed their poster board from the back before heading to the lake, watching as you left the last clue for the boys on Sarah's back windshield. After getting into formation - as your poster boards had "Will you go to TWIRP with us" written across all four of them - and talking for a few minutes, you suddenly heard Claire gasp.

"They're here," she said excitedly. You could feel your heart beat quicken as you noticed Danny's car pull into the parking lot beside Sarah's. Sam got out first and grabbed the last clue, causing you and the other girls to lower their signs so the boys couldn't see them. Danny, Jake, and Dylan climbed out of the car and gathered around Sam, reading the clue. They leaned against the cars, clearly trying to think of a place in the park that matched your description. After about a minute, they all seemed to realize what you'd meant.

"THE ICE RINK!" you heard them shout together.

"Uh-oh," you thought. "My clue was too obvious." But as the boys got closer, you noticed Danny was smiling. Not a closed mouth smile, but a full-on excited smile. Your racing pulse quickened even more, and you began to bounce on your heels from nervous excitement. As the boys approached and got to a point where you could all see each other clearly, you, Lily, Claire, and Sarah all lifted your signs for them to see.

"Ah, HELL YEAH!" you heard Dylan shout. He came barreling down the hill, swept Claire into a hug, and spun her around in glee. Meanwhile, Jake pulled Sarah in for a hug and kissed her forehead.

"You bet your life I'm saying yes!" Sam cried, grabbing Lily and pulling her in for a kiss. Meanwhile, Danny stood a few feet in front of you, holding you locked in his gaze. After a moment of silence, he stepped forward, threw the sign out of your hands, and gently pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.

"You realize I've been waiting for four years for you to ask me this question, right?" he asked.

"What?" you asked, looking up at him. "I thought you didn't think of me that way."

"Are you kidding me, (your name)? I love you!" he cried. The two of you blinked a few times, letting his words sink in. After a moment, Danny cleared his throat.

"May I..." he began. You nodded. Danny smiled and gently laid his lips on yours.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2020 ⏰

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