Shy!Nene x Popular!Amane

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Yashiro's POV

It was another morning. The same old stuff again and again...I truly get tired of it at times.

I put on my uniform and try to flatten out the ruffles in the fabric.

"Oh well" I say out loud.

Another day of being alone is a loud school full of angsty teens.

I began walking to school when I saw that noisy crowd of obnoxious fangirls.

"Oh for heaven's sake" I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

That group must be screeching over the prince of Kamone High...Yugi Amane.

How sad, I personally feel bad for him. Constantly being fought over, But I can't deny I was Abit jealous.

Well I should just ignore it for no-

"Hello there Yashiro-san" The boy smiled.

"Ack!!" I stubbled back catching my books before they fell.

"Oh- Morning Yugi-san" I quickly said before speed walking to class. Not wanting to be seen by the fangirls.

Amane's POV

And there she goes again...dang it!! Why can't I just talk to her! I began to grumble to myself. "Stupid Amane"

"Amane-kun~!!" A girl shouted my name.

"Eh-?" I looked at the purple haired girl in front of me.

"Yes Aoi-san?" I didn't bother to look her in the eyes for the fear of Akane-kun and his bat.

"Can you give these notes to Nene-chan? Please~???" She pleaded.

"Yashiro-san? OF COURSE!!" I snatches the notes from her in a blink of an eye.

"O-oh! Thank you Amane-kun!!" She waved while walking into a group of her friends.

I basically ran to Yashiro-san.

Yashiro's POV

"Oh wait- I meant to get the notes from Ao-chan" I hit the palm of my hand to my forehead.

"Yashiro-san!!!!" I turned to see the prince himself running toward me at full speed.

"AH!" I shouted for the first time and froze.

"Y-yashir-ro-s-san" he panted.

I stood in silence.

"H-here" he began to hand me some paper.

"H-hehe" he finally began to catch his breath.

I took the notes from him and instantly turned around, and mumbled a quick "thank you" before walking to class.

Amane's POV

She's so cute...oh well...only if I could ask her out..

I began to think of what I actually know about her.

"Not much" I said out loud.

Hmm...Ah! I know!! I should ask her to a movie and get to know her!

"Great idea!" I fist bump the air and rush to class.

~Time Skip~

"YASHIROOOO!!" I yelled hopefully not getting caught by those pesky girl-

She was on the ground..

"YASHIRO-SAN!!" I got down on the ground and scooped her up into my arms.

"Hi Yugi-san..." She looked at me.

"Wh-who-" I was about to ask until it hit me....

It sucks to be popular!!!

Yashiro's POV

I shouldn't be so weak...

If they see this I'll get hurt again.

It already is painful having Sakura pick on me.

I looked into his Amber eyes.

He looked worried and concerned..?

I shouldn't bother...

He'll forget about me soon.

It began to get hazy...I had lost too much blood.

Then it went black.

~Time Skip~

"Nene-chan!! Nene-chan!!" I heard the voice of my best friend and only friend Aoi.

"Huh...? Ao-chan?" I sat up.

I was covered in bandages.

"Thank goodness for Amane-kun!! He found you and patched you up!" She clasps my hands.

"I'm glad you're okay.." she seemed like she was crying.

"Yeah..I'm fine!" I smiled.

"Oh! And..." She handed me an envelope.

"It's from Amane-kun~" she whispered.

I opened the letter and found a phone number and two tickets.

I read the letter
"Hello Yashiro! I hope you are better! I was wondering if you'd like to see this movie with me! Here's my number! Call me!

Yugi Amane
I smiled. "Of course Amane-kun..." I murmured.

"I'd love too"

 ℋ𝒶𝓃𝒶𝒩ℯ𝓃ℯ 𝒪𝓃ℯ𝓈𝒽ℴ𝓉𝓈Where stories live. Discover now