Jealous!Nene x Hanako

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Yashiro's POV

"Hanako-kuuun~~~!!" I said in a sweet tone while entering the restroom.

"I'm ready to clean-"

"Hanako-kun? Okay! I'm Asuka-Chan! Nice to meet you ghost boy! Hehe" a girl giggled.

"You're sweet aren't ya!" Hanako smiled in response.

He suddenly turned to me.

"Oh hi Yashiro"

"He...he sounds dissapointed to see me.." I thought to myself.

"Anyways !" The girl...Asuka I think her name was chirped up.

"Let's get cleaning!!" Hanako said finishing her sentence.

"..." Tears appeared in my magenta eyes.

I quickly wiped them away acting like I was fine.

"Why am I upset? It's not like he is my type! Or..."

I began fake coughing.

"I-i don't feel good Hanako-san.." I lied and ran out to the one person who would listen.

Kou's POV

"K-kou-kun!!!" Senpai shouted rushing toward me in tears.

"Senpai!?" I exclaimed while I was embraced by her tiny figure while she cried a river.

"W-woah- what happened??" I said wrapping my arms around her.

I swore from the corner of my eye I saw Hanako stare.

"It must be my imagination" I shrugged it off and focused on the problem at hand.

"Senpai tell me what happened" I say with seriousness in my voice.

~After the explanation~

"THAT LITTLE-" I took a deep breath and began to comfort senpai.

"I'll have a talk with him. Don't worry!" I smiled at her while she managed to do the same back.

Her best friend suddenly called her and she said she had to leave.

I nodded and started to the girls' restroom.

I was about to kick down the door before hearing faint voices.

"She cried and ran to the boy!" I'm guessing Hanako said that.

"Dang...I didn't expect that..." I heard a females voice reply.

I got mad and kicked down the door (well basically).

"ALRIGHT TOILET BRAT!!" I threw him down while shoving the girl aside.

"WHY DID YOU MAKE SENPAI CRY!?" I said holding back the female.

"I-i didn't mean too!" He shrieked.

"Asuka said it would make her confess faster!!" He closed his eyes and waiting for me to attack.

I turned to the so-called Asuka.

"I didn't know she was that sensitive..." She admitted.

I calmed down and offered to help Hanako up.

"Get up." I said bluntly, still pissed off Abit.

I glared at him.


He then began to tell me what he expected to happen.


"Asuka made a wish... so in return I asked her to help me, confess to Yashiro."

"She agreed and...well...then this happened." He ended his story and looked down.

"Well I did my job" Asuka suddenly walked out.

Me and Hanako were confused until..

Hanako's POV

"Hanako-kun...?" She stood staring at me.

"Y-yashiro!" I ran and hugged her so tight she began to suffocate.

"I'm sorry!!!" I started crying out to her.

She gently patted my head.

"I forgive you Hanako-kun." She smiled at me.

My non-beating heart stopped...if that even possible.

I couldn't take it and I just missed her.

I instantly pulled away.

"S-sorry Yashiro!!" I apologized again.

"I-i know you didn't want your first kiss with me-"

"I did!!" Yashiro shouted.

I stared blankly at her.

"I-i mean...I do...." She said shyly.

I smiled and cupped her cheeks.

"Really~?" I said teasingly.

"Well not anymore!!" She huffed while the boy chuckled.

"Awwww.." I acted sad.

"Come on Yashiro-" she suddenly kissed me back and then stole my hat.

"It's payback!" She said while turning away.

"Hah...I'm glad you are finally mine..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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