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Remember You- G-Eazy

Allison Peters

I woke up to the familiar smell of Nate and remembered the night he gave me his shirt. I was naive but I still am. I think that being naive isn't always a bad thing though. Sometimes innocence is attractive to males but to females it can be a burden.

I turned on G-Eazy and began getting ready. I threw on a white crop top and a light pink skirt. I did my makeup simple and lightly curled my hair. I ate some oatmeal and left for school.

When I showed up at school I saw Johnson by my locker but instead of avoiding him I approached him.

"I like your hair." He smiled.

"Thanks." I felt my cheeks flush.

"What's up with you and Nate?"

"There is no Nate and me." I confidently told him.

"Oh well I just wanted to make sure because Nate isn't acting normal lately. Thanks anyway." Jack left to his first class.

I saw Lily and eventually caught up to her.

"Hey we haven't talked in forever." Lily lightly complained.

"I know! We should do something this weekend."

"How about you come to Johnson's with me on Friday?"

"Um, I'm not sure that I'm welcome."

"Oh you and Nate that's not a big deal. You're coming."

I smiled quickly agreeing and continued walking to my first period. I saw Sammy when I walked in and felt his eyes gazing my skirt. I sat down in my seat and tried to keep my mind off my stupid style choice.

"Hey babe." I heard Sammy chuckle a bit.

I wasn't sure if he was talking to me or another girl so I shook off the greeting and tried paying attention. The class finished and I picked up my stack of books to leave to my locker.

I was minding my own business when someone came behind me and hit my ass. I quickly turned around to see Sammy smirking.

"What the hell?" I remarked.

"Nobody ignores me. Who do you think you are?" I felt Sammy's minty breath on my neck.

Just when I was about to answer Sammy's question he left and met up with Gilinsky. Gilinsky gave Sam a high five as if the ass smack was planned.

I let my emotions take toll the rest of the day causing me to feel down. It was lunch time and I got a spinach salad with a sparkling water to drink. I sat down at an empty table hoping nobody would sit down but the last person I expected sat down next to me.

"Nate? Why are you here?"

"I go to school here?" Nate made me feel stupid.

"No shit. I mean here like at my table you're going to make everyone think I'm you're next girlfriend or something."

"They won't because I don't have girlfriends."

"Okay then sex buddy."

"Nobody will think you've had sex." Nate laughed.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You're just really cute and petite I don't know anyone who wouldn't think you were a virgin."

"Is that why Sammy slapped my ass today or is it because Gilinsky got a boner when I danced with him at a party?"

Nate smirked at me as he put his hand on my high thigh beneath my skirt. I gasped at how high his hand was placed.

"No matter what you do to a guy I will always be the one to turn you on." Nate whispered.

With that Nate got up and walked over to his group of friends as I sat there alone again.

I don't belong to anyone. I don't want to be anyone's subject or apply to their needs. I won't be that type of person.

I don't know who Nate thinks he is but he doesn't "own" me. I am my own person and I can only change that.

"Hey sexy whatcha thinking about?" Gilinsky complimented.

"Oh nothing. Shouldn't you go sit down with the rest of the boys?"

"Not before I ask you something silly. Are you going over to Johnson's on Friday?"

"I'm not sure if I'm actually going but, if it makes anyone feel any better, I told Lily that I'm going."

"Okay whatever." Gilinsky left to his table.

All the boys seemed tense today and I wish I could say it made me feel better but it actually made me feel a little more on edge.

I cleared my tray and then made my way to my locker for the rest of my classes. Throughout the afternoon I seemed to get be drawn back to the thought of intensity. Why were the boys tense? It bothered me and kept distracting me from my school work.

I finished my last class and then I was dismissed early to the library where I was going to tutor kids.

"Hi I'm Allison and I'll be your tutor today." I smiled at the sophomore girl's face.

"Hi I'm Brenna." She glanced behind me which caught my attention.

"Nate what the heck are you doing here?"

"Asking Brenna to come over after she's done being tutored."

"Okay cool I'll try not to keep her too long." I waved bye to Nate as if I weren't dying inside.

"Anyway biology chapter 4 section 2."

After sending Brenna on her way to Nate I stayed and studied. I continued to study for a while. Some days I would lock up the library because of how late I stayed but I didn't mind.

I heard somebody throw something in the trash followed by a deep voice.

"Allison what are you doing here?"

"Oh hey Sammy. I'm here studying. What are you doing here?"

"I have basketball practice. Have you been here since school ended?"

"Oops time to go it's already 7 o'clock. Bye." I pushed my way past Sammy.

I needed to get out while I could so I went to my locker and put the rest of my books back waiting for Sammy to leave the library. I went back and locked everything up before leaving the school. I saw some play in basketball on my way out but nothing bizarre.

I went home and showered. I changed into an over sized white shirt and grey sweatpants. I crashed into my bed right after eating dinner and fell fast asleep.

Sammy Wilkinson

I rushed to the library to throw my gum so I wouldn't get yelled at for having gum at practice. I found Allison still studying from what I assumed, was the end of school and talked her about why she was still here.

Allison left in a hurry and I couldn't be late to practice so I ran to the gym to meet up with the team. I saw Nate across the court practicing his threes with coach which got me kind of angry because that was supposed to be me.

I was supposed to be the big shot on the team, not Nate. I wasn't angry just because it was my spot but because he got Allison and my team spot.

I just needed to blow some steam so I decided to take it out on the court even if that meant getting in Nate's way. When Nate was taking the ball up and starting the play, I was on defense. I blocked him in and gave him a petty hit on the arm.

"Is that all you got?" Nate laughed.

I smacked the ball out of his hands and dribbled it down the court into a lay up. After the smile spread across my face I saw Allison walk by. I turned to look at Nate's expression and of course he was irritated and confused but still managed to smile out of this state.

"Practice Wilkinson not women!" I heard coach yell as the team met up in the middle of the court.

I saw Allison blush and push some of her hair behind her ear then she left. I was satisfied as long as Nate was pissed off.

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