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Homewrecker- Marina and The Diamonds

Fix You- Coldplay

Allison Peters

He was right. I could never hate Nate Maloley. The emotions we feel for a person whether good or bad can be easily changed or take an immense power to change. Nate would be a person I couldn't hate no matter how hard I tried. I tried again and again to dislike him but it failed endlessly.

"Can I get a ride home Lily?" I whispered to my friend.

"Bye everybody we better get going." Lily waved.

"Get Jane home safe Sammy." I reminded the sobering boy.

"I got you." Johnson added.

"Let's go." Lily stated.

I followed Lily out to her car. We began driving to my house while listening to some of Lily's music. I debated whether I should tell her about my boy problem with Nate. After a while of tossing the idea around, I decided it would be better to keep this to myself. Lily filled the silence with her problems which I intently listened to how she wanted to date Sammy and not just fool around with him and how Jane ruined it.

"I understand but I kind of like Jane. She seems sweet." I blurted.

Lily huffed out a large sigh, I was used to this. Lily always sighs when she wants to be right but knows that she isn't.

"All I'm saying is that you need to find someone who makes you happy and pleasures your personal needs." I advised.

I was always a friend to give advice which I actually loved. The down side is that I'm such a hypocrite because most of the time I can't follow my own advise. I could follow my advise this time but my heart leads me to Nate.

"Thanks for the ride Lily see you tomorrow." I thanked her and waved goodbye.

I walked upstairs to change into some short Nike athletic shorts and a tank top. Once changed, I went to grab a water bottle and went to the gym. I got there and started running on the treadmill before moving onto my basic workouts.

"Long time no see." I felt a hand on my sweaty shirt covered back, Nate.

"Are you kidding me?" I mumbled under my breath.

"What?" Nate wiped the sweat off his forehead.

I just want to get away from you I thought. "Nothing." I continued to walk but hit a hard blockade later noticing it was Nate's chest. When this happened my knees felt weak as if I would be in his arms again, I couldn't.

"I won't let you go so easy." Nate chuckled before wrapping his arms around my waist. I struggled to get out, to get away. Once escaping Nate's toxic hold I began to walk to the door to leave but suddenly stopped from a plea.

"Don't leave me." Nate pleaded.

Why shouldn't I, I heisted to say. "Why, why Nathan? Give me one good reason I should stay." I said as my heart ached for him.

"Come with me. This is my last chance I get it, but please just let me show you why you should stay this last time." Nate glared into my eyes making my habit of sinking my teeth into my bottom lip act happen.

"Let's go." He threw me over his shoulder. I believe somehow he finds pleasure in this. I didn't try to let go just yet because everything my heart was telling me was stay. I battled myself through this everyday the raw feeling of emotion against my mind's realistic thinking.

"Okay now in order to go where I want to take you, you have to follow a few rules." Nate instructed. I nodded understanding what I had agreed to.

"You can not leave until the date is over and yes this is a date." Nate answered my unasked comment. "Two you have to put on this blindfold before we get driving. Finally, three you agree to one kiss at the end of the night." Nate smiled seekingly.

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