Chapter 6

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It was late at night when everything happened, all Beth remembers is her voice screaming, losing all feeling and then waking up in the surgery-like room that looks like its nowhere and everywhere. She heard the light taps of of someone walking to the table she is laying naked on and thought back to how she got into that moment. It started at Juniors club where she was with Jason going over the details of the deals of their partnership, everything was going well until they heard screams and gun fire coming from the dance floor. All three of them ran out to see members of the Rottweilers shooting the club up demanding to see Junior and Jason who walked out telling Beth to stay behind in case they need the stealth.

The Rottweiler gang members asked if the deal was happening and when Junior admitted it was real the gang aimed at the older men and started firing causing Jason and Junior to jump out of the way with Jason getting hit in his side and start bleeding. Beth watched as Jenny jumped at one of the gang members and knocked him down before taking his gun and opening fire at the others causing them to turn fire on her. Jenny got behind cover but kept firing at the rival gang members while Beth taking this moment to help came from behind cover with her Desert eagles started shooting at them as well. They managed to put down them all until more burst through the door while Reaper members burst through the back after getting a call that the club was under attack leading to an all out gang fight that was being recorded and live streamed by people hiding when everything went to shit. The Rottweilers were dropping like flies but that didnt mean that the Reapers were doing too well.

They managed to get Jason through the back with Beth and Jenny shooting anyone that would try to get to him. They stayed close to him while others loaded him into a car and drove off while getting into the road to keep others away from the car which they were successful in until everything went dark for Beth when a truck from the rival gang slammed into her from the back. When she came to she was in the room with the person facing away from her wearing surgery clothes. She was unsure of when they got to the table of tools or when they turned away from her.

*^&$%^: Ah, you finally caught up to everything hey? Good, good.

She was unsure of what they were talking about and when the doctor turned she felt a feeling, a mix of fear and peace. She was confused to look in the face of someone she feels like she knows but what she saw was not friendly looking.

*^&$%^: Ah yes, confusion, fear and trust. A very unstable combination. Now since we will definitely be seeing each other in the future Ill introduce myself. No need to tell me your name Bethany I know you better than you think. I am *^&$%^ or a weird gurgling sound to you I assume with how uncomfortable you seem but please, call me doctor K.

They doctor stood still as they looked to be remembering something but it was hard to tell when their face doesnt move at all and their eyes or what were supposed to be eyes were just black holes with tiny white dots were hard to figure anything about.

Doctor K: Oh forgive me, I was thinking back to the victims of mister Mercer since your.. well, corpse reminds me of them. Messy work that man did. Now, whered I leave that damned thing. Of coarse your in my damn hand you needle you, haha.

It was clear this doctor needed a doctor of their own but still being unable to talk Beth could only watch the lunatic carry on with their antics.

Doctor K: Alright now Bethany youre gonna feel a little prick and youll have.. lets call it deja vu shall we? Itll ease that little human mind of yours. After all we cant have you going crazy or dying for that matter. No that just wont do at all, not your time and all. Ok here we go.

Beth could see the doctor injecting her with the needle holding a strange metallic looking purple fluid but she felt nothing at all which was strange since she felt no adrenaline and had no anesthetic.

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