Chapter 4

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The initiation was only the beginning of our thugs journey as they still had to prove that they can do crime. Their recent wake up was less than pleasant since they were not only woken up extremely early but woke up in each others arms making things awkward between them where as the situation made their gang mates laugh. They were told to get ready before they were lead to Jasons office once more.

Jason: Sup playas.

Beth: Why you gotta wake us up so early man?

Jason: You cant just act hard, you gotta be hard meaning you gotta be ready for anything. Waking up early is going to be the least of your worries. Now while you passed the initiation thats just one thing. In this line of quote unquote work you gotta be fearless, you gotta be cold and you gotta be tough. For example have either of you ever taken a bullet?

The girls sat still for a moment before shaking their heads in shame.

Jason: Hey dont worry about it. Youre young, Id be worried if you already did take a bullet. Anyway I got some jobs for you. Old man Chris has been skipping out on his weekly payment even though we so.. generously protect his business. I got two of my guys being treated for shotgun pellets and four others meeting satan, I want you two to get that money but be careful. Come back with the money and Ill give you your next jobs. Got it?

Beth: Sir yes sir.

Jenny: Can I break some knees?

Jason: Only if necessary shades Now go. We. Borrowed a car from nearby, its out front.

The girls nodded and left the room leaving Jason to grab a blunt and light it. They passed the gang members who greeted them with a silent nod as they passed which they returned eventually making it to the tunnel to the church where they saw the old man from the day before. They walked out front after giving the old priest a wave and saw the car Jason mentioned, it was an old.. they werent even sure what it was but they knew it was a car so they shrugged their shoulders and got in and started it up.

Beth: You think old man Chris is really an old man?

Jenny: Look all I care about is he has the gangs money, we gotta prove ourselves so thats what we gonna do.

Beth: Alright, alright. Damn. Acting like you saw Ashton kiss another bitch.

Jenny started driving the car while Beth put her feet on the dashboard. Jenny drove the care to a market area and saw the person they were looking for. Old man Chris was not an old man but a rather well built young adult selling vegetables to people, more specifically selling good vegetables at high prices only to people that could afford it. They watched as he laughed away a frail old woman who couldnt afford a head of lettuce for herself then got angry as a fat man bumped into her making her drop her money. The fat man bought a lot of lettuce not that he would actually eat them the girls assumed and to make things worse the fat man put his foot on one of the womans coins just as she reached for them stepping on her fingers as well. Having enough the girls walked forward acting calm as they looked at all the vegetables.

Chris: Can I help you fine ladies?

Beth: Oh yes. We are from Atlas and hear you produce is sold fresh and crisp so we had to see for ourselves.

Fat man: Atlas huh? Well you heard right ladies. Old Chris here grows the best that even the old will humiliate themselves just in hopes of getting a donation.

Jenny: I see. Oh my, what is that vegetable? Back there.

Chris: Oh that? Thats a favorite these days. Theyre eggpla- Aghhh!!

Everyone turned to see Chris on the ground with a busted knee and Jenny holding a bloody wrench. Another scream was heard but more high pitched as Beth kicked the fat man hard in the balls then kicked him onto his back and off the old lady as lettuce fell to the ground.

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