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"Oh my God, it's here..." Jack mumbled under his breath, his vision covered by the screaming hues of red, green, white and the occasional black and gold.

The store he worked at had started putting their Christmas decorations up,trying to lure in as much people as possible, tricking them into wasting their money on useless tree orrnaments and greed disguised in the lovely image of holiday spirit. 

And the gifts... don't even get me started on the gifts, it was Jack's least favourite  part of this wretched capitalist turned festivity. An excuse for spoiled children to demand toys from their parents and a terrible excuse to try and unite the entire family that you grew up hating, all for the sake of 'having a nice time together'. Desperate parents buying anything to shut their goblin like child for a couple of days, leaving mess after mess that Jack would have to clean. Just the mere thought left him wanting to pull all his hair out.

In his mind, the only good thing about Christmas was the break he really needed from work, but of course every pro comes with a con.

If Jack hated anything more than Christmas it was his family, which happened to invite him over for this year, but as much as he hated them, he knew he had to, at least to properly mourn. 

The smell of cinnamon and candy made him nauseous, oh how he hated the smell that Christmas came with, but if he wanted to keep his job he had to withstand it as he offered his help to confused customers with a ridiculous elf themed uniform. 

Out of all the 21 years of being alive, this Christmas was the worst, and it was only the third of December. The fake happiness and all the joy made him sick to his stomach, the mask people would put only during this awful time of the year disgusted him.

A/N: happy holidays everyone, ik this is looking like your average christmas hallmark movie but please, stick around for the end. 

also ik that the cover is ugly but its a for now, as i didnt wanna publish too much after christmas, but if anyone would like to make me one that would be awesome. see you in the next chapter.

xoxo, Sarah

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