How Fast is a Sonic?

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Date: Some Time After Everyone was Moved to the Dorm Rooms

Saturday, 2:36 p.m.

"All I'm saying is Sonic can't possibly be that fast. The physics behind it just don't add up. He'd be torn to shreds before he got any where near that speed."

"Yeah, He may be the fastest student here, but Hedgehog-san is in no way faster than All Might."

A groan of disagreements dispersed amongst the students, all of them speaking up to say exactly why Eijiro and Midoriya were dead wrong or dead right. It was all a commotion that started when someone just casually asked how fast was their blue, furry little classmate. Who asked it first, no one even remembered, but now the class was divided into two groups: Faster-than-All-Might, headed by Denki and Tenya, and Not-Faster-Than-All-Might, headed by Izuku and Eijiro.

"Who the fuck cares if he's faster than All Might? He's fucking fast. Case closed."

Only Katsuki was in the indifference party. No one knew why he stuck around, though.

It was soon apparent that everyone was getting out of hand. So, like the good class representative he was, Tenya raised his hand to try to calm the class down. "Everyone, please! Quiet down! We must proceed this in an orderly conduct as respectable in a debate. Since we already let Midoriya and Kirishima have their say, only one of us should go at a time and produce a counterargument. Any volunteers?"

Ochako shot her hand straight up. With a nod of approval from Iida, she cleared her voice. "Deku, from the first day that he was here, he's ran up the sides of buildings. You have to be really quick to defy the force of gravity--"

"Or turn off your gravity like Ochako here!" Mina quickly added.

"Right. Like I said, you need to have a force stronger than the force of gravity to scale buildings up so easily."

"Actually, that's not what he's doing," Momo interjected (she was on Deku's side). "You'd have to reach a speed of 11 kilometers per second in order to do that, or 39,600 kilometers per hour, in order to escape Earth's gravitational pull. That's as much speed as a rocket, and the amount of g-force acting on such a small body such as Hedgehog-san's would cause anything from passing out to absolutely destroying his inner organs. Since Hedgehog-san does not show symptoms of experiencing such speeds, he is most likely taking a few leaps and bounds, using his acceleration and momentum to scale that amount of height and distance."

"But I've seen him go around the entire training camp in a second," Denki argued. "And that thing is HUGE! Like, ginormous! He ran around the thing. According to my calculations, that's pretty fucking fast!"

"And what are those calculations, Jamming Whey?" Jiro retorted, looking quite skeptical of the electric quirk user. He scratched his head for a second, and was dead silent for a good moment. Everyone's eyes were on him, waiting for the chance to prove himself.

"Hey, I don't have to be a mathematician to know that he's faster than All Might."

Everyone on the Faster-Than-All-Might side sighed at his very unsuccessful comeback. Of course he hadn't thought this out. What else did they expect? Jiro clapped Momo's hand in success, adding, "See? Sonic-san may be fast. Hell, he's probably the fastest thing we've seen next to All Might. But faster than All-Might? No. Midoriya," she called out, grabbing his attention. "You're the biggest All Might geek around here. How fast do you say that All-Might is?"

Izuku rattled his brain, putting his finger up to his chin, a warning sign that he was about to go into into one of his famous, "Midoriya Mumbles." "Ap ba ba bap!" Jiro quickly waved her hands in front of Deku in desperation to stop him before he started, "Just give us the short and sweet version. I don't want to have to stick my ear jack in your face just to take you out of a mumble session, again." Midoriya, taking heed of Jiro's warning, went into his thinking position before saying, "Well, given his past feats, I'd say he's gone at least.... 600 km/h? He's suspected that he's gone a lot faster in his prime, maybe even 900 km/h"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2020 ⏰

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