The Blue Blur of the Entrance Exam

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To say that it the tension in the room was suffocating would be an understatement. Students from all over the country were gathered in one place, racking their brains over a booklet that would determine the future of not just their lives, but potentially the lives of others for many centuries to come. Some had fought, trained and studied with sweat and tears just to make it in this room. Some would walk away from this very room, almost never to be set foot on UA soil again. Others would walk out having overcome the first portion with flying colors, beginning on the path to heroism. Everyone put in every once of concentration they had, taking the exam with all seriousness. Some were confident; others were struggling.

But only one...was snoring.

If that already didn't mark his presence among the students, he had already finished the test in less than two minutes, with a gust of wind resounding across the room as he flipped the pages in rapid succession. But perhaps it was better if he had just taken his time with the test. While he was taking it, the sound of what was thought to be a potable fan caught the attention of nearly everybody. And when they saw where that sound was coming from, nobody could forget what they saw: A blue blur of test-taking fury, roughly half the size of an average person. And when he was done, he unceremoniously dropped his pencil on the desk as if a rapper was just doing a mic drop.

Not one left the room that day who wouldn't recount the Legend of the Blue Blur of Testing. And that legend is still passed on to this day. What prompted the unusual student to act in such a cockamamie manner? What went through his mind as he took one of the most grueling tests in all of Japan? A cocky know-it-all? Or a genius who used inhuman speed to complete an easy exam?

Sonic just cleaned his ear with his pinkie, knowing that he probably got anywhere between a 40 and a 70. Not too bad, but now he had to wait for everyone else to finish. And he was not one to wait. He was, after all, the fastest thing alive. So he just decided to take a nap to pass the time. He was sure the moderator would allow it, since he wasn't allowed to do much else.

Meanwhile another student, who was obviously annoyed by the sudden snoring sounds, pushed the tip of his glasses, silently berating the other tester who dared make a mockery of this prestigious institution.


The day after the written exam was completed, all of the examinees were ushered into a large auditorium for the exam orientation. All of them were getting situated in their assigned seating, and Sonic was no different. Looking at the scrap piece of paper he was given, he scratched his head. J-26. Would be easier if they just let us sit wherever, he thought. Walking up the stairs, he finally found row J and plopped himself in his seat without a hitch. It looked like students were still filling in, and the orientation wasn't supposed to start until 10 minutes, so Sonic just tried to mind his own business and wait.

Emphasis on tried. Two reasons: As previously established, he didn't like to wait very long, and second, there was was a green-haired kid just staring at him, mumbling who-knows-what.

"Ahhh... you okay there buddy?" he asked.

The green-haired suddenly stopped, and nervously apologized, "S-sorry. It's just that, you have an amazing quirk! I've never seen someone quite like you!" Wait until you see my real "quirk" kiddo, the hedgehog thought to himself. Sonic rubbed his nose, "What? Never seen a hedgehog before?" The kid, taken aback, questioned, "A hedgehog, is that your quirk? I've never seen a hedgehog look quite like, well, so..." "Good-looking?" Sonic finished with a hint of pride, but that was not what the attendee had in mind. "Well, for starters, so blue. Do you dye your hair? It doesn't look like a hedgehog's natural color." "I could ask you the same thing," he retorted.

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