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Ever since I was a child, I always had this ominous dream where a half-naked man would hand me a apple and I take a bite out of it but I always wake up from it the moment I do.

I always wondered, what happened after that? My questions were never answered until I got to high school. The first day I got into high school... my questions were finally answered.


"This is the help that you've been seeking. God's gift to us. That which sustained my family through the darkest time."

The man then approached the apple tree and took an apple off of it as he hands it to me. "Let me offer you this. Our miracle. The first time I partook of this gift, I was confronted by a ravenous beast."

The man stood silent for a moment as he started at the apple before speaking again.

"It was my soul. And in that moment... I knew that in order to be worthy of God's gift I had to slay that beast. I had to cleanse my soul. Because if I did not I knew that beast would consume me."

The man stood silent once more as he stared at the apple before speaking again.

"This... is god's test. Cleanse your soul."

The man handed me the apple as I gently took it from his hand and ate it. The flavor was of a standard apple. But as soon as I ate it my vision started to turn red as the man suddenly approached me and spoke to me in a hostile tone. "Go. Kill the Beast."

My body started to burn as there were smoke coming out of my very skin. I fell to the floor and everything went black. But then I heard the man's voice once again.

"If you succeed... If your soul is pure, you are the shepherd sent by God... and I can return from my exile. Our miracle allowed us to survive, but its gifts are not unconditional. It nourishes what is in a person's soul. But if that soul is corrupt... the miracle extracts a terrible price." 



So this was a fanfiction that I made as I was playing FC:ND, After eating the apple and killing whatever that fucking beast was I got these super cool perks that I could unlock.

I could double jump, go fucking hulk mode, takedown but I also steal health, go slightly (at least 30% lol) invisible, and I could also upgrade my regeneration rate.

So then I was thinking...

"Hmm... how about I implement these in a OC in UnOrdinary? Perfect!"

Except I still need to take care of future changed events and whatever.

Now for those wondering, No. I didn't abandon wattpad or any of the other fanfictions, I'm a bit struggling with time at the moment.

Now thing is I just made this which is a absolute red flag for me, I can't really answer this but it's mostly just school/fatigue taking over me from not making more chapters quickly as I used to.

Hopefully I finish all of them...

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