Chapter 1: Enrolling

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I woke up but my body was in absolute sweat... I was like a fucking fountain. Everything of my body was literally a sweating. My bed was fucking wet and it smelled disgusting. Christ, Looks like I got to wash my blanket.

I exited my bed as my body felt very stiff. I stretched for a few minutes before going to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I look at myself in the mirror.

I was the very same besides the sweat but there was something different about me. There was nothing physically different... but my mind told me that there was something different. Very different.

I didn't understand what was so different about me, so I ignored it and packed up my clothing. I ate my breakfast and walk outside the door. Nature's air smelled nice.

As I continued to walk to the new high school, my entire body started to ache, and I was even having a headache. I didn't understand why, I had a great nap and I even stretched this morning.

The pain wasn't really anything major, so I ignored it as I continued to walk to the high school. As I made it to the high school, my headache was starting to get seriously worse.

I placed a hand on my head and sat by a wall, I really needed some pain killers of some sort. What is going on?

I sit for minute before I stood up again, the headache had died down, but it wasn't entirely gone. I groaned as I head into the school.

I went to the headmaster's office door and knocked on it a few times before someone old spoke "Come in.". I open the door to see the headmaster waiting in his office patiently.

I greeted the headmaster. "Hello."

"Hello indeed, Mr... what is your name perhaps? I seem to have not known your name."


"Cap? Why exactly is your name 'Cap'?"

"Cap is actually just a nickname that I prefer as my real name. I have a actual real name but I do not wish to share until I know that I can trust you."

"...Understandable. Cap. Anyhow, Welcome to Wellston High School. May you fill me in with personal information that you may speak of?"

"I live by myself in a small apartment and I work as a cashier in a local store. My parents both passed away."

"My condolences. Will it be fine with you sharing a dorm with another student? I believe it would be substantially better than the situation you're in right now."

"Beats trying to pay rent. Sure."

"Good. Here's your keys to your room. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to ask me. I'm all ears. Now let's get to you schedule..."


The headmaster was rather a nice man and filled me on my schedule. I haven't told him of my status of a cripple, but he probably knows that. I walk to my first period.

I walk into the classroom as the teacher notices me. "Oh! I forgot; we also have another student joining us this year. Please, introduce yourself!"

I look at the classroom as I hear people whispering and murmuring. I sigh before speaking. "The nickname's Cap. I'm a cripple, that's all you guys got to know."

The classroom went from curious immediately to angry/disgusted. I expected this seeing how cripples like me are treated like black people back then when racism was serious.

Whispers turn into insulting. Murmurs turning into mocking.

The teacher starts to get a bit irritated. "Everybody! Please stay quiet and respect your new student. Cap, your seat will be next to John's desk."

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