Sirius Being A Dickhead

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Remus x Reader (best friends)
Comforting and realisation of your feelings

Sooo we pretending you're just friends and Sirius starts talking about how you probably have the body of a 9 year old cause you're voice is the one of a 9 year old already and you look like one too and wants you to prove him wrong. Remus slaps him across his face (maybe more depends on how soon full moon is) with clear disgust on his face cause you two are literally his best friends and he sees that this wasn't a topic you wanted sirius to joke about (cause dysphoria or other reasons). He just didn't expect Sirius to say sth like that to you and is really sorry.
And now imagine Remus coming later in your bed room to check on you, still seeing you're hurt about the thing Sirius said and comforting you while hugging you. He wouldn't talk bad about Sirius because he is still his best friend but he loves you more than anyone else and he wants you to know that, so he tells you that he will talk again with Sirius tomorrow and promises you that something like that will never happen again. Also he tells you that he thinks that Sirius opinion doesn't matter and that he thinks that you are really good looking and you should never let someone reduce you on your body cause you're so much more than that.
After he calmed you a bit and you two vented about the most random stuff (everything except Sirius) he gives you a kiss on your forehead and leaves you to get some sleep because he thinks "you need your beauty sleep".
The next morning Sirius comes to you after the breakfast and apologies that it was funnier in his head and it wasn't personal. (you either forgive him or not it's your choice) After that you walk over to Remus and hug him as a thank you for handling this situation for you.
In the next class you think about how he comforted you and which things he told you. You just know that Remus would never body shame you or make fun of you in any way. He just is the perfect guy in your opinion and you're happy that you got to get such close friends during the years at hogwarts. Even tho your heart aches a little when you think about you two being friends.

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