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Laelia dragged herself to the coffee shop. She was an hour late for work, but decided stopping wasn't going to hurt anything since she was already incredibly late. She felt groggy and weak. There was no way she was going to make it through the day without her sugar-filled caffeine fix.

"Hey girl!" Jana called out to her as she entered the shop. "Wow, are you getting sick?" Jana asked when Laelia reached the counter. Laelia nearly glared at her friend. "No, you look pale, and your eyes aren't as bright. Are you coming down with something?" Jana's voice was filled with concern.

"No. I overslept. Yesterday was awful and I think today probably will be too. And that's just the start of my list." Laelia replied sourly.

"You need to take a day or two and do nothing. Call in tomorrow, give yourself a three day weekend." Jana suggested. Laelia only shrugged. "You want your regular drink or do you wanna try something new?" Jana asked when she realized she wasn't getting anywhere with her friend.

"Tried and true with two extra shots, Jay." Laelia smiled weakly.

"I'm not trying to be mean, babe." Jana began. "But this not looking well and not sleeping well has been happening for two weeks."

Laelia sighed, "I know. I've tried everything for sleep I can." Laelia glanced down at her nails for a moment with shame. "I've been sleeping on the sofa so I don't bother Michael. It's getting to him too."

"Are you having those dreams still? Is that what's causing it?" Jana's concern was growing. Laelia only nodded. "Have you told Michael anything about them?"

"No. He'd just get his feelings hurt." Laelia answered.

Jana handed her the large, hot coffee with a frown, "I'm going to do some research when I get off work tonight. Will you send me everything you've been dreaming about? I mean, literally everything."

"I can come over later? Michael is going out with Liam and the boys tonight." Laelia stated.

"Yes! Amelia will help too. We can figure it out the three of us." Jana assured her run-down looking friend. "I'll see you when you get off work."

"How much for the coffee, love?" Laelia asked quickly, noting she hadn't even opened her purse.

"Nothing. It's on me today." Jana stated. "Get going, you're already late." Laelia blew her a kiss before rushing out the door.

The walk to Jana and Amelia's apartment seemed quicker than normal. Laelia had been counting down the hours until she could see her friends. The thought of being in their warm, comforting presence excited her. Michael had been testy and mostly grumpy with her. She wanted someone to listen to her, take her issue more seriously than he did.

The setting sun made Laelia walk faster. The sooner she got to Jana's, the sooner she would have some kind of answer. Answers meant solutions, and solutions meant sleep. She craved sleep. She wanted a whole night without being woken by the sights in her mind. Not that the dreams were horrifying. Mostly, they caused an overwhelming swirl of emotion.

"Hey there." A familiar voice dragged her out of her own thoughts. Laelia smiled brightly seeing deep, brown eyes gazing at her.

"Hey." She nearly melted at the site of the man from the restaurant. He was dressed down as compared to the night they "met". His dark jeans and black long sleeve shirt fit him well. It was strange to see him in every day clothes though. She thought he was stunning in a suit jacket and button down shirt. " Hi." She cleared her throat quickly, catching herself gawking at him once more.

"Have you figured it out yet?" He inquired with a sneaky grin. Laelia shook her head quickly. "It's a shame."

"Yeah. It's weird." She informed him with nervous laugh. "Deja Vu, I guess?" She shrugged.

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