The Royale Castle

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The sound of my luggage's rollers scratching against the pearly white and spotless marble floor echoed throughout the hall.

Magnificent is such an understatement, it definitely put the White House and any other castles back on Earth to shame. The big, grand chandelier was hanging right smack in the middle of the hall, in which behind, was two grand staircase leading up to yet another glorious level in this castle.

I nervously gulped, looking down at my bare feet, worrying that my feet could stain the flawless marble floor. Luxius was in front of me, telling and pointing me various rooms that will be important, but all his words just flew right over my head. There was just so much to take in and my mind was whirling with all these new information.

My eyes were focused on the large windows that were draped in silky golden curtains flowing and caressing the floor.

The tables were made of some sort of dark wood which was so polished I could see my reflection in it. My eyes were greedily absorbing all these intricate details, I was sure that the architecture and interior designers back home would love to take a look at this masterpiece.

"Are you even listening?" Luxius said, annoyed. I snapped my eyes to his and grinned sheepishly. His father laughed and that sound of laughter bounced around the walls, making me embarrassed.

"Give her some slack boy, she's new to this place, just let her absorb this environment which will inevitably be her new home."

I nodded furiously at his father words, glad that I was saved from Luxius' never ending word vomit. Luxius sighed, "Okay okay. Let's just go to your room shall we?" He said, holding up his hands in defeat.

I grinned, finally a little sanctuary of mine! I was tired from the journey and just wanted to lie on a comfortable bed.

Wordlessly, both Luxius and I went up the staircase twice. His father excused himself earlier has he had work to finish back in his office, leaving Luxius to take care of me. The atmosphere between us was surprisingly not awkward, it was just a comfortable silence, in which I made good use of to examine the extravagance of this castle once again.

After making an endless amount of twist and turns, we finally came to a stop. In front was pale blue door with detailed carvings on it. I raised my eyebrows, pointing to the door. Luxius nodded at my unspoken question.

I steadied myself and took in a deep breath, resting my hand onto the doorknob before opening the door.



The room was so spacious that 10 king sized beds could be easily placed against each side of the room and still had space to spare. It was humongous and I felt so tiny just standing by the door. Despite it looking very foreign to me, the warm color of Turquoise , sapphire blue and white made me smile a little. It gave me a feel of Santorini, a place where I had always adored.

"Go in." Luxius said softly, slightly pushing me into the room. The curtains were draped with a pretty light blue shade. I could see a walk-in closet at my far left and a relaxation spot with tons of beanbags, a variety of electronic technologies which I had no name too. Better ask Luxius later about those, I reminded myself.

Beside it, was a grand king sized bed, with fluffy looking pillows and a turquoise blanket that blended so well to the white mattress, it looks so inviting for me to just jump in and snuggle in the midst of the blanket.

There was even a freaking balcony with cute dainty tables and chairs. This is really crazy..

"This place is really beautiful." I gasped, as I ran my hands against the table. There was a couple picture frames, curious I took a closer look and instantly, my eyes were glistening with unshed tears. It was a picture of my family and friends and even a photo of Luxius and I during the wedding vow.

I sensed him moving beside me and took the frame of him and I. "I asked your parents to send me some so that I can give you a little surprise in your own room." he explained gently. Hugging the frames of my family tightly to my chest, I looked at Luxius.

"Thank you so much. I really really appreciate your effort so much." I smiled, I walked towards him and gave him a hug. Luxius stiffened while my heart beat shot up at my brave actions. Luxius chuckled and patted me on the head, "After all you're my little wifey and I promised your parents to take care of you."

I laughed against his chest and lifted my head to meet his eyes, "Not bad little husband, this is so wonderful. Your home is beautiful by the way."

Luxius' eyes flashed with an unknown emotion and patted my head once more, "Glad you like this place." I straightened up my back and took a step closer to the balcony, "Of course I do, it may be a new place but it is a beautiful one." I smiled as I looked at the strange sky with such delicate colors.

He chuckled, "So was Earth and I should be going. You need some rest before we have our dinner later, go and do whatever you need. I will come knocking on your door in three hours time."

I frowned, he was leaving me alone? "We're not staying in the same room together?" It was only after I said it out loud then I realized how inappropriate it is. I cringed and Luxius' smirk got even wider at my reaction.

"Oh little wifey, getting impatient for some actions?" he teased. I shook both my head and hands furiously, "'s just on Earth....married....." I stuttered.

Luxius laughed as he put his arms behind his head, "Even though we are married, I don't think it is a good idea to share a room with you. You need some personal space, right? Besides, this marriage is pretty sudden and obviously we were both not in love with one another. Hence, sharing of a room seems to be too weird and uncomfortable for you."

I stayed quiet at his bluntness. He was right, we were not in love, we were just two adults protecting our loved ones, hence forsaking our own happiness and got married.

I nodded. Luxius made his way to the door, before he closed the door, he opened his arms, "But my arms are always open, for you." He winked at me and then closed the door behind him.

I rolled my eyes, not like I will pounce or hug him.

But you already did. My brain chided me. Argh, that was just a grateful hug!

I unpacked my luggage and the silence of the place was so deafening that I felt that I was slightly suffocating, I let some tears dropped as I continued to unpack my necessities. Even so, his words from earlier kept repeating in my head.

"Obviously we were both not in love with one another."

Why did my heart did a painful squeeze at the moment when he said that?


Finally edited :D Hope you guys enjoy ^^

Criticism is forever loved and welcome~



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