Girls' Day Out

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"Stop sighing." my best friend, Jessie chided me. I looked at her and sighed, in her face just to annoy her. She narrowed her eyes. "Well, I can't help it." I shrugged, looking at the collection of shoes. At it was Jessie's time to sigh. I arched my eyebrows at her which she shrugged as a reply.

"I just couldn't believe that my little babe is getting married." she remarked, looking equally as sad as me. I patted her on the shoulder, "I'm sure you will find an awesome boyfriend!" Jessie snickered while going to another row of shoes. 

"Well," she said, as she sat down to try a pair of shoes, "At least your fiance is hot". I rolled my eyes, "You know I don't go for looks, personality is always first." Jessie laughed and waved me off,, "Yeah keep telling yourself that." She signaled the assistant that she was going to buy that pair of shoes.

I rolled my eyes. I knew my fiance was hot, and it wasn't just me. When he came down to Earth, females around the globe treated him as an angel who was sent down from heaven. There was plenty of pages and groups that worship him and deeming him the hottest male in this century. Creepy much?

I sat down beside her, and bend down to take off my sandals, "Yeah yeah, I marrying a super hot alien dude." I stopped, "Please don't tell Cole I said that."

Jessie waggled her eyebrows, "I know, my reaction that night was epic enough." I totally agreed. When I told her that I was getting married, to the Cole Hunter, hell she shrieked in the phone. It was as if there was a murderer in her house and it took me a grand total of ten minutes for her to calm down, even so, she was still hyperventilating, now who is getting married here?

"Tonight, my dad, along with Luxius' dad, are going to announce this big wedding.." I deadpanned, while trying this really cute sandals. Jessie laughed, "Oh I can't wait for the reaction! It will be like the marriage between Princess Diana and Prince Charles, perhaps even grander and juicer!"

I groaned in frustration at the thought of the attention I would get, the cameras and the paparazzi. I signaled to the assistant that I will be getting that pair of sandals. 

"I'm curious, but how are you and Luxius fairing?" Jessie asked, while we were leaving the shoe store. I just shrugged, and making a cringed face. 

Jessie raised her eyebrows, "What the hell is that reaction." She imitated me. I nodded my head and shrugged even more dramatically to prove my point. 

Luxius and I were actually in a grey zone. We were not in a bad or good terms. We still tease and annoy the shit out of one another. We joked about anything and me answering questions regarding Earth. However, when the topic of wedding is mentioned, the atmosphere would just drop to a freezing temperature and it will usually stay like that till we either went our own way or something worth distracting happened. 

Throughout the week, Luxius was busy making wedding preparations as he contacted his own planet through a highly advanced technology which would take a week to transmit across. Due to our busy schedules, there was not much time to meet up or chitchat for the entire week. Luxius would sometimes call me to check on everything and ending the call with a lame joke he learned on Earth, which usually ended with me laughing and telling him to piss off. 

Jessie shook her head while opening the door to her car.  I slid in beside her. "It's just I'm really tired and scared." I managed to whisper out, within the safety walls of her car. Jessie looked at me sympathetically and hugged me, "I'm sure the wedding will be fine, you get to hav me to be your bridesmaid! And who knows maybe Luxius is out of this world, literally." 

I let out a little laugh, punching her in the stomach which earned myself a smack on the head. "There is no more soul mate for me anymore. Not after this wedding anyways. I will be a married woman and yeah, my life will be with him probably for quite a long, long while." 

Jessie groaned in frustration at my pessimism, and muttering something under her breath. I caught on some words such as "You'll see.... you'll see". I rested my head side on the window and looked out. We were heading to our favorite restaurant in the town to have our dinner, before catching a late night movie. 

I involuntarily shivered at the craziness that is going on with my life, the attention I will be getting when the news spread.

Oh, and not forgetting how lonely I felt at those thoughts as the trees wheezed past.


Finally an edit, xD There's quite a couple of words/phrases/expression that I changed, I hope this chapter has became better with these little edits :)

Have a wonderful week ayeeeee, (Friday is coming soonnnnn!!)

Criticisms are always welcomed<3



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