Untitled Part 3

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One pill was all it took, the stress, unwanted memories, pain, and anxiety left. Along with my sanity, comfort, and faith. For some reason it was the same reason I found myself using five minutes ago. My shoulders had dropped and I no longer found the tensity in my chest an issue.

My trembling hands and discolored skin even out, a result from my hazed vision.

I was three songs in and only one pill down.

When I listened to music my brain automatically isolated each beat, string, and harmony. But not with this pill. The light blue capsule had been thrown back with a chug of water from the Slytherin Common room sink. Each beat, string, and harmony merged into one. My senses had heightened but it didn't worry me. I was as relaxed as I could ever be.

I danced in the middle of the pit of people who smelt of a mix of Fire Whiskey and sweat. This was a good trip. I felt like I was standing on the top of the Astronomy Tower without the rail separating me from life or death.

My eyes met with a pair of brown ones not far away. Hell, they might've been green. Before I could catch up with my brain my body had fallen into his hands.

"Watch your hands buddy." I sneered before placing them lower as they were too high for my own comfort.

I knew his face was familiar but I didn't put in enough energy to figure it out. He looked just like any other year six guy. Brunette, tall, and touchy.

I removed myself from his hold and searched for a couch. I plopped down in the empty space on the couch. I closed my eyes and watched the flickering light dance across my eyelids.

"What did you take?" my peaceful moment was interrupted by the mused voice. My lids lifted to reveal the blonde.

"Muggle shit, Xanies. I don't usually recommend drugs but you seem tense every fucking second of your life." I commented pointing at his foot that tapped against the floor anxiously.

"Have you been drinking?" He probed while staring at the cups in front of me.

"Come on Malfoy, I'm responsible enough to not drink and take bars." I was a bit offended he thought I was so oblivious.

"You still took Xanax, still think you're responsible?" He replied with raised brows.

"Listen if I wanted to listen to people judging my decisions and what I do, I'd listen to my ass twat parents. Now, if you're gonna continue you can fuck off. Or you can sit here and let me be." I lifted my head to meet his daring eyes.

His glare was powerful, if my eyes could focus on them long enough I may have even been a bit intimidated.

"You're pick." There was a devilish smirk on my face that I didn't know I could produce at the given circumstances. I was erratic.

"Your parents are apart of the Sacred Twenty Eight. Do they know what their daughter is up to? Shagging her peers for a few galleons, I'm sure that can't be right. Sounds like a disgrace to me." He snarked. It was like a switch flipped inside of him. I set something off inside of him and it bothered him.

"Malfoy, you want to hurt my feeling you're gonna have to try harder than that. Love, you gotta get the facts straight. Yes, my parents are apart of the Sacred Twenty Eight. Yes their daughter may be a disgrace, but she doesn't fuck her peers. I find handy work gets the job done and are much more efficient. Clearly you haven't been given a good enough one to know." He didn't want to play with me. He was taken back.

I always win.

"I'd call you a bitch but you'd enjoy it too much." He added a few inches of space off between us. He leaned back against the couch.

"Wouldn't you love to know." I mocked, pulling my hood onto my head and my sleeves down to my finger tips. I tossed my head back onto the back on the couch taking a deep breath.

Through my closed eyes I could see his shadow inches away from me.

"You lucky you're tripped out, I won't let these comments fly next time." His lips lightly grazed my ear lobe as his breath trailed down the crevice of my neck trapping itself in my hoodie. His aroma was of a herbal greenery, citrus, and a smokey musk.

He removed himself from the couch before mixing himself in with the large crowd. There wouldn't be a next time, my mind never resonated with the thought of the filthy rich blonde. I let the effects of the trip take it's course.

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