Chapter 5: Asexual Neville?!?

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Once more a huge thank you to commenters and all!! Bleville's such a small ship that I was seriously not considering posting this on Wattpad at all. Now I have learned my lesson! <3


"So. Longbottom." Draco peered over at him, Vanishing the book he'd been reading with a flourish extremely unnecessarily; he had a table right in front of him.

"I'm trying photography," Blaise told him, although Neville was much more informed about Blaise's search for a hobby than Draco. Any diversion would do.

Unfortunately, it didn't work.

"Longbottom," Draco repeated again.

Fucking Neville was a very confusing experience. He wanted more– Blaise hadn't ever wanted more than an extremely frequent tumble in the sheets from any of his other partners.

But they also had more. They were dating in every sense except for the label, and they were close as friends got without getting married. Married. Merlin, Blaise shut that thought down immediately. He had Neville gasping and willing and he couldn't even muster up the courage to ask him if perhaps one day he'd consider going out with Blaise, maybe. They were never going to get married. Salazar.

"It's fine. It's great. How's Potter?"

This was, as always, only a diversion. He knew exactly how it had gone with Potter– they had all heard it. Draco, curled on the couch, Potter wrapped around him; Pansy, shifting restlessly on the stiff armchair, Blaise watching with interest as Draco's cheeks flushed deeper and deeper, and Potter kept attempting to play with Draco's hands, pushing up the sleeves of Draco's sweater. Draco had been a wuss, to put it plainly. In the end, Blaise had explained, "He doesn't want you to see his Dark Mark."

And Draco had jumped up, and Potter had grabbed him clumsily, and kissed Draco's wrist, and Neville had such a sappy, affectionate look for both of them that Blaise thought he might fall to pieces at it.

"Stop smiling," Blaise had scolded half-heartedly.

"They're so sweet," Neville had murmured, and looked at Blaise, biting his lip, and then Blaise and Neville had left.

And Blaise let Neville convince him to watch some sappy show on the telly. He ended up leaning into Neville, eating popcorn without a thought and resting his head on Neville's shoulder, weaving their fingers together like a teenage couple in Hogsmede.

They kissed and Blaise licked the butter off of Neville's fingers and they did not finish the movie.

It was so strange with Neville in bed. Outside of bed. Everywhere, really. They way Neville looked at him, and reached for him, and touched him. Nothing ever felt particularly hungry. Just... well, willing. But Neville also seemed so happy with Blaise by his side. It was a bloody mess. Blaise was likely being overly analytical.

"I think I'm too obvious," Draco confessed now, staring at the corner of the table. "I almost cried today, do you understand? All he did was–" his voice wobbled. "He kissed– kissed– it."

Blaise grinned and stirred his tea, watching Draco's eyes go red. The sugar bowl sat on the table, glinting at him in the light shining from the Muggle lighting fixture that Draco's apartment had. It was really strange and unnatural, different from torches on walls. Blaise wondered if he really liked the natural sunlight of Neville's house or if he was biased. He was probably biased. Dangerously so. He'd thought about marriage, for Salazar's sake.

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