Chapter 6: Asexual Neville

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It's nearly over, folks! One more chapter and we're through. And Happy New Year, everyone!


"What did you say to him?" Neville demanded, bursting into the room. Harry was alone, flicking through a thick book that must've been Hermione's disinterestedly, and he looked up when Neville came in with a guilty expression, like he'd been expecting him.

"I hear Blaise is freaking out," Harry told Neville, as if Neville didn't already know.

He'd been the one to freak him out, actually, and the horrible expression on Blaise's face was something he'd probably never unsee.

"What did you say? He was so, he was so off," Neville tried to explain, "like you upset him a lot, somehow."

"Well, it was more what he said," Harry said awkwardly, "But I think it's the kind of thing you ought to hear from him first. I think he didn't mean to say it, and he freaked himself out a little, saying it."

Neville hadn't sat down, and Harry was looking up at him awkwardly from the couch, so it was a relief when Harry stood. Kreacher popped in quickly, offering a plate of biscuits, but Neville waved him away politely, focusing on Harry.

Harry looked happy, like maybe he'd been spending a lot of time with Draco lately, and Neville's heart gave a pang– Draco and Harry hadn't even had sex yet, and they were so happy. It was the reverse image of what he and Blaise had been, though he had been happy, if a little uncomfortable the whole time, because of The Thing he wasn't saying.

"He kept asking me if there was something I should tell him. I can't imagine where that idea must've come from," Neville said pointedly, and Harry flushed, biting his lip. "I knew it," Neville muttered.

"I didn't mean to make you say anything," Harry said anxiously, "I just, I was afraid he was– you know. Leading you on, or that you hadn't told him and he wanted just sex, and you were alright with that because of how you– er. Feel?"

Neville sat himself down, running a hand through his hair, feeling distinctly miserable. "Actually, that's. Um, that's what was happening."

Harry let out a heavy sigh, sounding not the least bit surprised. Neville wasn't sure if this was a testament to his obvious inability to advocate for himself or his obvious inability to resist any sort of anything with Blaise, even if it meant not telling Blaise something that was very relevant.

"I guess I wasn't off, then." Harry looked at him hard. "Really, Neville, if I forced you out I'm really, truly sorry."

Neville shook his head. "No, I– It was my choice. And it was long overdue."

"Well, I don't know about that," Harry objected, "You don't owe it to anyone to tell them you're ace until you're ready."

Neville fiddled with his sleeve, heat rising to his cheeks. "I was ready," he admitted, "It was really just about keeping Blaise."

"Ah," said Harry, who didn't seem to have anything to say to that.

Neville sighed and dropped his head back onto the back of the couch, staring up at the high ceiling of Grimmauld Place and admiring how Harry had managed to turn it into so much of a brighter place than it had been before with a couple coats of white paint.

"I guess you heard he's upset because of Draco?"

Harry turned pink, smiling to himself slightly, and Neville found himself smiling to himself a little bit, too– Harry deserved to be happy after all of the things he'd gone through in their school years. "Yeah. Blaise is a mess, I hear."

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