~Soon To Be Gone~

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I liked things that are permanent
Though I myself am not/
I seeked comfort in the everlasting
And those that will never rot/

I hated houses on rent
Despised the temporary cot/
I wanted to myself a king size bed
"I'll be happy then!", I thought/

Satisfaction, joy in me were dormant
Depression I grappled with and fought/
Rich big mansions were appealing
So 'twas big mansions I sought/

I was a worshipper of luxury- so ardent,
I wanted to collect the whole lot/
I dreamed of cars and planes and cash
"I'll be happy then!", I thought/

I realized that this body we are lent,
Just some years before we ferment/
So from the net of nonsense where I was caught
I broke free, and was carefully taught/
To beware all the lust and greed
And give attention to the coffee and not the cup
This time, I paid some heed/
When I saw the truth, "Oh , how sad I was then!", I thought
And now sad I am not/

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