Chapter 1

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I was so excited, it was my first day at my new school. "Zoe" my mom shouted, your going to be late to your new school."
"Im ready" I said whilst walking down the stairs. I was wearing a grey top with black jeans. "We have to leave now otherwise you will be late, get a fruit to eat because there's not enough time to make breakfast."
"Yes mom" I replied I took an apple and started eating it as I walked out the door. I went into my moms car and put some music on to listen to. It had been about 20 minutes when I heard my mom say "were here"
"Have a wonderful day darling and make sure you work hard and listen to your teachers"
"I will mom, bye"

I walked it to the new school. It was really big. "Hi there you must be new, I'm the receptionist at this school."
"Welcome I hope you enjoy you first day here."
"Here's your timetable" she handed me a piece of paper with my classes written on it" thanks I said." I heard the reception door open but didn't look to see who it was because I was looking at my timetable.

"Hey" I heard someone say I glanced up and I saw this beautiful girl smiling at me. "My names Isabel"
"Hi I'm Zoe" I said. " Can I see your timetable Zoe."
"Yes" I replied and handed it to her.
"All our classes are the same, I'll show you around the school."
"Thanks" she gave me a tour and then it was time for the first lesson of the day English. I introduced myself to the class and then we were told to write about something we enjoy doing.
"So Zoe tell me about yourself Isabel said.
"Well I moved to this school because my old ones closing and I like reading and writing I said" she smiled at me "your really pretty"
I tried not to blush "thanks so are you."
"Okay class"I heard the teacher shout "less talking and more working"
I began to write and kept on thinking about the girl next to me, Isabel. I had just met her but couldn't stop thinking about her. I loved her.
When I first saw her I felt something that I hadn't felt before. I started writing more and could feel Isabel looking at me. "Now class I want you to finish this of at home." 
"You can go now"
" Come on Zoe, I'll introduce you to all my friends." We went to a table where there were 3 girls "hi babe" I saw a girl say to Isabel and then kiss her. I just stood there awkwardly and tried to hide my sadness. "These are my friends thats Amy over there she's known for being loud and there's Lucy who's more quieter. And this is Maddison she said to the girl that she had kissed, she's my girlfriend she said whilst smiling. "Hi everybody I'm Zoe."
"They all replied with " hi Zoe."
I sat down and then Amy said "what's your insta Zoe" so I gave them my insta user and they all started following me and I followed them back.

I sat down and began to eat some strawberries. I had never felt so sad, Isabel had a girlfriend and here I was in love with Isabel. I could see Maddison kissing Isabel again. I could tell I was about to cry and asked Lucy where the bathroom was. She pointed to the other end of the room and said " do u want me to come with you."
"No it's fine I said and began walking" I went into the toilets and locked the door and began to cry. After I was done I washed my face. I walked out and back to the table. "Are u okay Zoe" Isabel said looking concerned.
"Yea I'm fine" I replied. "I'm in your next class Isabel" Maddison said."
"Come on let's go"

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