Chapter one

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In early autumn a young girl searches for her soon to be eaten sandwich. "Hey Jackie did you find it!". I ran down the stairs and hit my little toe against the wall. I huffed and screamed a loud "NO!!" I grabbed both sides of my stomach and started to breath in deeply. As I kept on inhaling and exhaling I thought that I really needed to work out. Where was that sandwich? I slid into the kitchen with my slippery and fluffy socks and made myself a sandwich. I sat down on my couch just in time for E News. I don't really watch this stuff but there was a big thing going on and no one would tell me. So I had to find out my self. { Now on E News Queen Saryania tells her son to find a wife}

New setting in the Grand Castle

The queen lifted her two hundred pounded dress off the floor, she then began to drag it down the steps of the extended throne. She dragged it until she reached her grandson "Nicolai come here!" He stopped his magnificent exist from happening and spun on the heel of his shoes. "Yes" he said with a bratty attitude. His grandma motioned him to come closer, so he did, they both sat down on the edge of the purple cushioned couch. "Nicolai" his grandma said with a cheerless expression. He immediately asked what was wrong. "Are you ok? why do you look like someone pissed in your bowl of cereal?" He said softly to his elderly grandmother. She gave him a frown and said,"Son I have to tell you something, something that will change your life" he looked at her with a serious expression and said " you can tell me anything gran" she smiled slightly and started to speak.

{We will be back after this commercial}

"ughhhhhh noooo that was the best part!" Jackie groaned. Sarah her younger annoying sister sat down next to her on the couch and proceeded to lay her stinky feet on top of Jackie. "Leave me alone" Jackie said with a blank face. "Nope actually it feels quite comfy here with your fat keeping me warm" she started to giggle so Jackie pushed her off the chair. It had been three minutes Jackie reached for the remote that was no where in sight. "Hey! Where is the remote?!" Sarah GIGLED and held it up "right here, if you want it come and get it!" I tackled her to the floor and took the remote out of her hands and turned the tv back on. I sat down and the show was on.

New scene GC(Gand castle)

"Son you have to hear me out when I say this." He looked at her again " I'm all ears" he said. " you remember your mom right?" "Of course I do I remember her everyday, what about her?". "Sh-she didn't die, for all I know she went missing" he looked at her with a starstruck expression." So you mean sh-she is alive?" Her face twisted into something he had never seen on his grandma and that was sadness. "Yes she is alive, she is out there somewhere" he looked at her with the same baffled expression. "Wait how do you know that she didn't just die when she went missing?" His grandma gave him a whisper of a smile and took something out of her back pocket.

"Because of this" it was a picture of a women in her late forties she didn't look old nor did she look young, she had raven black hair and wore loose clothing with a lion print on the middle of the shirt. "Where was this taken?!" "It was taken in Springfield California." He immediately took the picture in his hands he kissed it and hugged his grandmother. His mother didn't look like his mother anymore, she was different and different can go two ways he thought, good or bad. "I will be back, but this time I will be back with my mother" he walked out and added softly "hopefully".

{this is the end of this episode next time prince Nicolai will be in Springfield and we will inform you with the latest! This is E News and and have a great evening}

"Weird that seemed like it was too personal to show on live tv, ah what people do for money or attention" Jackie said. "Sarah it's time for bed!" Sarah started to run in another direction. "Oh no you don't" Jackie caught Sarah in her arms and tossed her on the comfy bed she read her a bedtime story and went to her own room to sleep. Before she could go into her room to go to sleep she noticed that someone was downstairs. Making no thought of it she turned off the lights and brushed her teeth and slowly drifted off to sleep. Before she was fully asleep she muttered "I wish I can have my own prince".

Jackie woke up in the morning and stretched out her legs, she yawned and scratched her butt whilst walking to the bathroom. She got ready for school and got Sarah ready for school. "Hey do a good job today okay?"

Sarah looked at Jackie with her hazel eyes and gave a big toothy grin. "Yes Jackie just for you I will behave" Jackie awed at this and bent down to hug her but not right before Sarah kicked her in the shin. Sara ran away before she could strangle her. She walked toward her car muttering profanity, she was now jaywalking on the street and was walking awfully slow. "HEY!!" An incoming bicycle rider was screaming at her to move but she didn't do it fast enough and got hit by the bicycle with her little pinky toe. "Ouchhhh not again!!!"

She started to run around scream profanity and saying that this was the worst day ever. "Miss may I pay for the damage that I caused you?" She was still looking at her pinky toe. "Miss!! really? I get hit and almost die and I get a miss and a, may I pay the damage for you" she said in mocking accent. "Look I don't know you dude but an apology would be nice." He looked flustered because no woman ever talked to him in such a way. "Umm okay I'm sorry I am sorry from the bottom pits of my heart If I could change time I will just to see you not get hurt" Jackie smiled and said "hey I didn't want a poem of your everlasting love for me I said and apology which you did an I forgive" Jackie stood up and finally faced the man that she had been speaking with a few seconds ago.

"Umm miss I am very happy that you forgive me but are you ill? You seem to be drooling a bit" he looked genuinely worried so she just wiped the remaining droll off of her face and said "wait - what were we talking about I might have forgotten" he gave her a breathtaking smile and said "you did get hit pretty bad let me take you to my place" she instantly got a scared look on her face, she then took out a whistle that she hid under her shirt then blew it really hard. "FEWWWWWWWW RAPE RAPE HE IS TRYING TO RAPE ME!!!" She ran away into a different direction leaving her rape whistle behind and a very confused man behind. Nicolai picked up the rape whistle and put it in his jean jacket he thought of giving it to her the next time they met, she was pretty weird but interesting he thought.

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