I may find my prince but you will always be my king daddy

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I walked to my front yard and held the basket of clothes closer to my chest it was sunny out so I decided to air dry them outside. Ha I decided as if I would do such a thing my "mom" told me to go and do this i would rather be watching some Netflix then be outside.

I plugged my earphones on my iPod and began to get to work. As I was busting out some amazing moves I heard a little scratching sound by the tree. They did say that curiosity killed the cat but I was confident that a tree couldn't kill me. Boy was I wrong I saw something far worse than receiving the fate of death I saw our old neighbor Steve walking around without a shirt. I was going to faint right there I held on to the dignity I had left and said. "UM MISTER THERE ARE INNOCENT CHILDREN HERE!" He was really creepy. That's why I never talked to him.

He came closer and I kept my eyes closed while repeating the same sentence. "MISTER LEAVE IMMEDIATELY I WILL NOT HESITATE CALLING THE COPS!" I looked through my fingers and saw him really close to my face. "Hey little girl do you like older man? I will give you the time of your life I promise" he said. I think I barfed a little in my mouth. I reached for my whistle on my neck and couldn't find it. I began to hyperventilate I didn't know what to do, this was it I thought. Before he could touch me I opened my eyes and this defense mechanism came over me and I poked him in the eyes and slammed my foot in his nonexistent family jewels. "Now you won't even be able to have kids, not like you could before though." I ran towards my house and called Patricia and told her what happened. She called 911 and we got that guy in jail. He is in jail for 30 years for other incidents like mine.


My dad came awhile later and right when he walked in I gave him a big hug. He coughed and pushed me softly away and said "I don't want you to get sick princess, sorry about that" I gave him a confused expression "wait what do you mean your sick? Like a cold or what you've got strep?" My dad gave me a starstruck expression and signaled my mom and said "you didn't tell her?" My mom said "I wanted you to do it" my dad took my hand and directed us toward the couch.

He sat and I sat down I know the news that they will be giving me will change my life."Princess I have to tell you something, this is not going to be easy but you know I love you right and I will never leave you." My mom grabbed my hand and my dad grabbed my right hand.

"Princess I'm going to be gone for a long while me and mom are getting separated." I was beyond shocked I thought he was going to tell me he was going to die. But this might have been just as bad or close enough. The tears on my cheeks went down to my heart making it break into tiny little pieces, I didn't show any emotions I just said. "Okay I'm going to be upstairs if you need me." My dad grabbed my arm and said "princess I'm sorry we didn't tell you before but..."

He closed his eyes and slowly picked them up. "I'm sick and tired Jules I can't love someone that I don't love anymore I love you Jules and your love is enough for me." I wiped my tears and said "than why don't you stay?". "I don't want to hurt you Jules I have to go, but I will make it my duty to see you all the time, and jules you will feel the same way when your older okay?". I gave out a small okay and I went upstairs hid in my closet and began to cry. He was going to leave and was packing up his suitcase he came to see me before he left so I came out of my room with snot mixed tears and a broken heart and jumped on my dad. He let out a big "woah!" And smiled and said. "You came back princess?"

I looked at him with my big hazel eyes and said "I may find my prince daddy but you will always be my king". My dad slowly brought me down and said "your growing up kiddo what happened to my little princess she's getting old!" I smiled and showed him my two missing teeth. "Hey dad look I'm only five and I lost two teeth everyone else in my class didn't lose any teeth!" He smiled and began to slowly walk away before he closed his door he said "I know princess I know." Before he left I asked him what about his job before he said anything he dug something out of his coat and said. "Here this is my job and you can find me anywhere with this." I held the cap closer to my chest and let myself cry another time.

That was 5 years ago after my dad died and my mom died. After my dad died and my mom died I went to a huge phase of depression 10 to 15 i failed in school never really dressed it was a terrible time for me. Now it was slightly better but oh was I angry. Not only was I depressed I was angry I was real angry at the world. Now at sixteen I began to realize I can lose that anger by making my stepsisters lives terrible.

My stepsister or shall I call them my step rats are your average hormonal teenagers who spend there days in the salon getting mani, pedis and guess what yeah their popular. And who isn't umm me, pretty sad but I like being unpopular, people don't expect things from you and no one notices you so you can just enjoy wattpad in peace. I was just reading in peace when my step monster thought it was a good idea for me to make dinner, I make dinner, I clean the dishes, clean the clothes, the house, vacuum the stairs take care of the lawn and basically I pay the bills.

Yeah it's really fun to come home and be told to work after working your butt off at school. Anyways step monster told me to make the dinner. You would think that i would not allow her to treat me that way I ain't their maid, but what I do is fun. Every dinner I add the most weirdest ingredients that I can find. A toenail, a piece of my DNA such as my spit and it pretty disgusting so I will stop right now but you get the idea.

I'm the witch of this house as well as the maid, butler and the garbage man. I should be getting more credit for this I thought. I wiped the sweat that glistened off my forehead. I put on my apron and grabbed the dinner and began to poison the food. Ha I wish, but sadly if I did that I'd go to jail. I walked into the room and put on a blank face like I always do when my step monsters are around. "Hello Patricia." I said as I placed the oh so "delicious" food right by her arm.

She gave me a smirk and said " you seem to be gaining weight what's going on darling stuffing donuts in your mouth when we are not around?" She said snootily and grabbed her handkerchief and placed it on her lap. I gave her a snotty look right back and said. "Well Patricia my name is not darling it's jules" I bet you forgot, you old hag I muttered. She thankfully did not hear, but a part of me wanted her to hear it. She slowly got up and smoothed down her red gown, who does she think she is it's the middle of the day she isn't Oprah. Oprah is the only one who could actually pull that off in this time of day. My stepsisters came down the stairs ready to drink tea with step monsters boyfriend, right!? How can she have a guy but I can't life sucks. Lane or shall I say lame came downstairs wearing a gown that must have costed a fortune she walked over and gave me a basket of her laundry. "Um what was your name again?" I rolled my eyes, I've been here for more than nine years and she still doesn't know my name.

"Cindy" she opened her eyes and said "ah yes Cindy will you please iron my clothing this time I need to get ready for a party that is coming up, they say that the prince is in town!" Abigail or shall I say flabigail rushed over and held out her hands to lame and started to jump while screaming "THE PRINCE IS COMING THE PRINCE IS COMING!" In unison.

I placed the basket of clothing down and said "what a nice shade of whore your wearing today" her dress didn't even look like a dress I was just waiting for a guy to come in and say "will five dollars be good?" I laughed a little and began to leave. Before I could someone grabbed my hair and pulled it back next to their ear and said, "don't you ever talk to my children like that ever again" the tears were already streaming down my face as I said, "yes ma'am.", And with those last words I left but not before spilling water on the nearest outlet. The power went out as did theirs now it was my turn to take it. I gave a small wicked laugh and guided my way throughout the darkness that concealed this house.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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