Chapter 11: R.O.A.R. Practice Goes Horribly Wrong For Halex

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The clashing of the swords had been all ringing in Hubert's ears as he shifted his handedness to face off one of his teammates. Perspiration slid down his neck and back, his breath coming out in small puffs. The exertion of practicing had been starting to get to him, but he could not back down now. Their first competition was coming up soon, and they needed to be on the top of their game if they were going to win. Hazel surveyed the team, taking down notes occasionally. Because she was the captain, she would help determine the game but she did practice with them whenever Kristoff wasn't in the amphitheatre with them. Today seemed to be a normal day for the R.O.A.R. team, but life had different plans.

Kristoff stormed into the amphitheatre, carrying a letter in his left hand. The team ceased their practice, sensing the sudden surge of anger in the room. Hazel looked up from her notes and asked, "What's wrong? Are we not going to the competition?"

"We're going, but my request for us to face a different team was rejected," groaned Kristoff.

"Why do you want us to face a different team?" questioned Hazel.

"The team is made up of students that classify as LGBTQ+," snarled Kristoff.

"What's wrong with that?" inquired Hubert, attempting to keep his voice even. If Kristoff displayed even the slightest bit of homophobia, he'd quit the team for good until there was a new instructor.

"Because it's not natural," answered Kristoff.

"So you hate the LGBTQ+ community because they love who they want to love?" growled Hubert.

Kristoff narrowed his eyes at Hubert.

"You didn't deny my question," stated Hubert. He put his sword in its sheath, untying the cloth around his waist. "I don't have to follow the directions of an instructor who's homophobic."

"What are you doing, Pinkerton?" Kristoff inquired of the redhead.

"I quit the team," responded Hubert, putting the sword away, grabbing his gym bag. "And if any of you know that LGBTQ+ people have had to struggle to obtain the same rights as straight people, you'd do the same as me and get out while you can."

The students watched as Hubert exited the amphitheatre, head held high. Hazel cussed underneath her breath, rubbing a spot above her left eyebrow. Alex looked at his sword and slid it into the sheath, undoing the knot of the cloth around his waist.

"I quit too," vocalized Alex, putting the sword down and leaving the room after grabbing his bag. Slowly, one by one, each student unknotted their sheaths and left the team for good. Only Hazel was left, and she made the decision to quit as well, handing Kristoff the whistle around her neck. After she picked up her bag, she walked out of the amphitheatre, leaving Kristoff alone.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"I cannot believe this, Kristoff!" shouted Jane as she slammed her hands on the surface of her desk. "Because of your blatant homophobia, Auradon Prep no longer has a R.O.A.R. team to bring to competitions and tournaments! And you can kiss the hopes of obtaining new students to train goodbye because the news of your homophobia had been spread around the school! We even lost two teachers because they felt unsafe with a homophobic man working alongside them! Auradon Prep accepts students of all color, sexual orientations, and gender and the bullshit you were spouting will not fly!"

Kristoff simply listened to Jane's rant. As long as he did not get fired or put on probation, he'd be fine.

"You forced my hand, Kristoff. Until you learn to have respect for your fellow human beings, you're on probation for 3 months. You'll have until the end of the week to clear your office so we can hire a new R.O.A.R. instructor, one who's more accepting than you." Jane sat down, her cheeks flushed red from her yelling.

"Wait, you're sending me back to Arendelle?" challenged Kristoff.

"You're lucky I didn't fire your ass," snapped Jane, pulling out a stack of paperwork.

"Who are you gonna get to replace me?"

"Jay Ibn Jafar."

Kristoff picked up the paperwork and walked out without another word. Jane furiously typed on her computer, asking Jay if he'd be glad to step into the vacant position. Not missing a beat, Jay replied and inquired when he'd be able to start.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Hubert held onto his anger for some time. He avoided the amphitheatre at all costs, and so did the other students. Hazel didn't seem too bummed about Kristoff getting sacked potentially; she was more upset about the fact that the team would not be able to show what they were made of because of him. Alex definitely felt for Hazel; he did enjoy being on the team but that homophobia wouldn't slide with him. He also sided with Hubert with the audacity of asking to play against a different team simply because they were LGBTQ+. Sometimes, at the end of the day, some people were rather disappointing. Maybe things would change.

"Alright, men, Jane has informed me that she has found a new instructor to teach us different fencing skills." Hazel held her clipboard in her arms, the whistle around her neck once more. "Let us hope that he/she/they are far more accepting than Kristoff."

"Is this the R.O.A.R. team I'm going to be leading this year?" Jay Ibn Jafar asked, jogging into the amphitheatre.

"Yes," answered Hazel. "I'm Hazel Westergaard, the captain."

"Jay Ibn Jafar."

The two shook hands, and Alex spotted Hubert physically relaxing. The prince couldn't help but smile at the sight. Maybe things would pick up from here. With Jay and Hazel leading them to potential victories, R.O.A.R. wouldn't seem so bad anymore. As Hazel told the team to pair off for warm-ups, Alex and Hubert aided each other with various stretches before they began training. Alex beamed at Hubert, and Hubert sent a small grin back at him.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Hey, guys, gals, non-binary pals. I hope you're all feeling okay; if not, my private messages are open to those who want to talk. Anyway, if you enjoyed this chapter, let me know in the comments.

I know neither Jane nor Kristoff would act like this in canon, but this is fanfiction for a reason. I also know that Uma and Harry Hook would not act as evil in this book as they do in canon, which I think I mentioned in an earlier chapter. I have to change established characters' traits to make them fit how I'm writing them. I apologize if this bugs you in some way, but this is for the sake of fanfiction.

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