The Blinding Light

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The crowd roars around them, deafening and electric, surging and receding as one. Neon lights from glow sticks and headbands, signs of all shapes and colours, and bright phone lights are dotted amongst the sea of concert goers, painting a vibrant patchwork laid out before them.

It's a familiar scene, one Louis and the boys have witnessed hundreds of times before in theatres and arenas and stadiums all over the world, but this one has special meaning. This is it. The last time, the final show, the end of an era, the one that will go down in history: OTRA Sheffield, October 31, 2015.

It's been a long road, one that's both dragged out and sped past at the same time. So many memories, so many highs and lows, so many faces and places. Things remembered and forgotten, opportunities grasped onto and others that have slipped through their fingers like dust. Cities visited but not explored, songs written but not released, celebrity parties attended but family events skipped, so many acquaintances but so few true friends.

Tonight they've all danced around like idiots, relished singing their favourite songs for one last time, and been cheered along by the audience, and their family and friends, all here to witness the final show, the final note, the final bow. Louis almost doesn't want it to end even though he knows it has to. There are drinks to be drunk, celebrations to be had, and a hiatus to start.

He's tired, is the thing, been tired for years it seems, too tired for someone who has barely stepped into adulthood. He needs to get away and chill for a while, needs a break from the relentless schedule, the demands, the early calls, the jet lag, and the close quarters with his bandmates. Well, one in particular.

He loves Niall and Liam like brothers, annoying ones to be sure, but brothers nonetheless. They've supported each other through this wild ride, from that first day when the band was formed right through to the backstage huddle before they bounded into the bright lights only a couple of hours ago. But if their relationships are brotherly in nature, his and Harry's is the polar opposite.

How does that trope go? Friends to lovers to enemies? That might be a slight exaggeration, well, the enemies bit anyway. It's not that they hate each other, at least Louis doesn't hate Harry, not really, hate is a strong word after all, and he hopes Harry doesn't feel that way about him either. They've always been passionate, over the top, intense. From that very first day they were inseparable, constantly having to be next to each other, grounding, protecting; inside jokes and thoughts shared with a single glance, a single touch.

Their close friendship was a selling point in the beginning, the media cottoning on quickly that everything One Direction was a viral sensation. But once their relationship developed into something more, it became intrusive and limiting. They never went public with it, choosing to try and keep that aspect of their lives somewhat private, but the media was insatiable so it was a constant battle. They tried to limit their contact while in the public eye, to distance themselves more, new choreography on stage to avoid being in close proximity, different seating orders in interviews, and separate travel arrangements, but that only seemed to inflame the situation and the media's interest.

It wore them down eventually, once practically inseparable like two peas in a pod, finishing each other's sentences, causing mischief and chaos backstage, the best of friends, the most passionate of lovers, things strained to the point of no return.

In the end, their breakup was more of a long goodbye rather than a fiery inferno and Louis could never work out how to navigate back to being just friends when, in truth, they were always more than that right from their first meeting.

Now they avoid each other for the most part and try not to be alone together; different dressing rooms, hotels, flights. It's not that difficult to arrange but Louis desperately wants it all not to be a factor in everything he does, to not have to always think about where Harry is or what he's doing or worried that they're going to be thrust into those situations every day, or ever again, actually. One more night and then it's over. One more night and they can go their separate ways. Well, one more night and then a press tour for Made In The A.M, but he'll worry about that later.

Harry nails his final solo in Drag Me Down and the last few bars of the song blast out into the arena. The last song. Wow. That's really it. They're done. A wave of emotion mixes with the adrenaline coursing through Louis' bloodstream. Sadness, elation, relief, excitement. It's almost too much to process.

The noise from the crowd is at deafening levels as Louis hands his mic stand to one of the techs in front of the B Stage and starts his rounds, raising his hands up and applauding the audience, blowing them kisses along the way. They've earned it. They truly have the most dedicated fanbase and Louis wishes he could thank everyone single one of them individually, but for now this will have to do.

He turns to find Liam walking toward him and he waves him over for a hug. Liam wraps him in his strong arms and they sway from side to side, sweaty and jubilant as Louis slaps him on the back and catches a glimpse of Harry and Niall locked in a similar embrace across the stage.

"Can't believe we did it!" Louis shouts above the chaos.

"I know, man. It's crazy!" Liam says, words almost lost in the din that has engulfed the arena.

Louis pulls away just in time for Niall to dive in and replace Liam, the Irishman bouncing on his heels and jostling Louis about.

Louis' face is nearly splitting in two as he yells into Niall's ear. "Get in, lad!"

"Fuck, Lou! It's over. I need a drink," Niall shouts, as Louis glances over Niall's shoulder and sees Harry and Liam sharing a tight hug a few meters away.

Louis knows what comes next and a sinking feeling settles in his gut. He knows what all the fans want, what they want more than anything, but he can't give it to them. They want closure, to see them all happy, but he and Harry just don't do that anymore.

He releases Niall with a final slap on his back and takes a step away just as Harry and Liam break apart. Harry's eyes find his own and for the briefest moment, he's sure he sees something hiding underneath. A tinge of longing perhaps? Or maybe it's regret? Not that it matters anyway.

He holds Harry's gaze, unwavering as he takes another step, moving forward ready to bypass him and deploy their well-practised avoidance tactics. He goes to take his next step but his feet are suddenly glued to the ground, a tingling sensation sparking his nerve endings from the back of his neck to the tips of his toes, like a rush of electricity surging through his body. The roaring of the crowd drifts into the background as his ears are filled with static noise. He tries to cry out, afraid and uncertain of what is happening. Harry's eyes reflect the same fear and he seems frozen on the spot just like Louis.

An almighty clap of thunder.

A blinding white light.

Louis is falling.


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