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10 months later...

On a bright summer's day at the end of May, their friends and family make the trek to the castle and stand together in the conservatory to witness Harry and Louis exchange their vows. It's a simple affair, only their nearest and dearest in attendance. They speak words from their heart and make promises for the future that they will never break; to love and care for each other, to watch over each other, to support and laugh and bring light to each other's lives no matter what obstacles get in their way.

The tables fill one end of the grand ballroom, the other end set aside for a dance floor and band. White lilies rise up in large centrepieces with ivy winding down the crystal vases and over the crisp linen tablecloths. Small hourglasses are dotted around the tables and hold a single tea candle surrounded by blue sand in remembrance of their strange time away from this world. Not that anyone knows, of course, never having spoken to another soul about their experience. Who would believe them anyway?

The sun has set, dinner has been eaten, and the band has long since shifted into romantic ballads to wind down the evening's proceedings.

Louis watches Harry from across the room, flitting from table to table, laughing and joking and embracing the remaining guests as he goes, truly in his element.

He's stunning, that's a given, but tonight he is simply radiant. He'd been so happy with his choice of a gorgeous suit in flamingo pink which made his luscious lips appear even more kissable. Louis had barely been able to contain himself when Harry had modelled it for him a couple of months ago, and later that evening he'd ridden him into oblivion. Louis' suit is nothing to be sneezed at either, a beautiful silver that Harry says makes his blue eyes sparkle and compliments his black button-down, just like Harry's own.

Louis catches the glint of Harry's engagement ring as he waves his hands about animatedly, now nestled snugly next to his wedding band. He glances down at his own hand wrapped around his tumbler half-filled with vodka and melted ice and admires the tungsten band next to the silver engagement ring. He's never been one for jewellery, not like Harry, but these rings are different, more.

The lights from the cars pulling up in the courtyard shine through the tall windows, ready to ferry the next batch of guests to the bed and breakfast a few miles down the road. It's been a long day, thoroughly enjoyable, but exhausting, and he'll be glad to have the place to themselves once more, even if only until the post-wedding brunch tomorrow.

Louis gets up and wanders over to Harry, farewelling the last of the guests aside from Liam and Niall.

The opening bars of Eric Clapton's Wonderful Tonight fill the empty ballroom and Louis takes Harry's hand and leads him onto the dance floor. He spins around and clasps his hands behind Harry's head, swaying then back and forth. "Did you have a good day?"

"The best, Lou. Best day of my life."

"Me too. Tired, babe?"

"Mmmm... good tired though," Harry says and leans down to place a chaste kiss on Louis' lips. "You?"

"Yeah. Tired. But not too tired," Louis says with a wink.

Harry smirks at him and runs his hands down over Louis arse, giving his cheeks a playful squeeze. "Never too tired for that."

"Oi! Keep it clean, boys!" Niall shouts from across the room.

"Fuck off, Horan!" Louis yells back, earning a giggle from the man in his arms.

The song comes to an end and Harry wanders over to thank the band and let them know they can pack up while Louis tracks down a waiter and grabs them fresh drinks. They join Liam and Niall at the table and slip into their easy banter, just the four of them, just like it always used to be.

A Moment In Time (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now