Chapter 19

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Marie was.... a lot. But again, so were all the Kanker sisters. But as loud and reckless as they were, they were protective of each other and their boys. To the extent that their devotion had definitely saved the other trio from a few sticky situations in their youth. Oh, but now probably a good time to add that the sisters were now back from-

"Prison!?" Edd exclaims in surpise to the group of now five, his face not hiding his shock.

"Juvie, Edd babe. Prison's a whole other thing, we just stacked up a few misdemewhatevers" corrects Marie. Lee spoke up right after, "Yea yea happy to be back, and the other dumbasses?" Her question went unnoticed by May, who was staring at Jay with almost literal hearts in her eyes. "Wow, aren't you a tall cutie?!" Says May as she moves closer and raises a hand to compare her height to his.

Other than a few tattoos, the girls hadn't changed much from middle school. Edd replies to Lee's question: "I was just about to look for them, in hopes that they're not in any trouble of course." He glanced at the door to the house, relieved to at least not hear complete chaos from inside.

"Yeah well those idiots are probably headbutting Rolf's goat," cackles Lee. Her red curls jump up and down as blonde hair is being tucked behind two ears by an equally amused May. The years had definitely dulled the appeal of the Ed's, for better or for worse.

Jay smiles politely down to May before speaking up, "Soo we should probably go find them right?" "I'll go wherever you go," giggles May as her sisters roll their eyes.

The group enters the house and not long after they find an inebriated Eddy standing on the kitchen island holding up empty glass bottle, his feet being stabilized by a giggling Ed.

"Which one of you lonely fucks wants to play spin the bottle?!" He shouts, half the crowd ignoring him completely.

"Let's play then, loverboy!"

This time all the kitchen's inhabitants turns to the grinning Lee, knowing full well the eyes under her curly bangs hid a threat.


Kevin grasps the railing of the balcony, far enough that the people in the backyard would have to strain their necks to get a good look of him. He'd been offered the bedroom with the attached outdoor balcony by some guy on the team–a guy who had no right to do so given the house was Rolf's. But, it was proving useful. He was watching a familiar beanie approach a tree. The figure sits down next to a familiar brunette as Kevin's fingers tighten around the rusty metal. The night air hadn't felt this cold even by the sea. He's so lost in thought that he jumps at the sound of the doorknob turning.

He watches Nazz's blonde hair peek into the room, "there you are!" As she steps in and closes the door behind her, he takes the time to swiftly step into the room and close the sliding glass door to the balcony.

"What?" She asks, her face showing genuine confusion at the speed in which he moved. "I've been tryna find you all night, what are you doing here?" The ginger opens his mouth but Nazz is quick to peak over his shoulder before he closes the floor length curtains on the unassuming below.

"I uh-" He starts but she's quick to address something else, "I guess the whole asking-me-to-homecoming thing worked out right?" Nazz states as she steps away and towards the mirror, fixing her bangs.

Kevin glances between her and the curtain then walks over to the edge of the bed and sits down. He scratches the back of his neck. "Well Johnny literally gave this room up and told me to call you in so they definitely think we're a thing."

Nazz gives a high nod, eyes catching a crack in the ceiling, "A miracle considering you had your lil outburst then just left the dance."

"I'm sorry." He replies with no hesitation.

The memory of his own actions heat his palms and he closes his fingers on them to dry the growing sweat there. But his mind wanders back to the events in the backyard.

'Why's Jay suddenly clinging to Edd? Why's Edd letting him?'

"Yeah well I'm just glad I took our names out of the running for homecoming king and queen in time before they crowned us and I had to go up there alone. Emma and Mike were thrilled to win though."

'In the semester he's been back, he's never shown any interest in Edd. Or has he? Shit have I just never noticed?'

Kevin clenches his fists harder and Nazz catches his reflection in the mirror.

She sighs and bites the side of her bottom lip, her own fingers twitching at the slump of his shoulders. They act on their own will as she turns and raises a right hand to his hair and tucks it back. He stiffens but doesn't pull away. "You know... I'm your best friend Kev, I'll always be here for you. Before and after him." She lifts his contemplating eyes by his chin. That ache wasn't new. She'd seen it in herself for years too. But she can be useful in these situations. And she can do it again if need be. A small pang made her part her lips.

She watches him look at her lips as she lowers her own head to his but he shoots up, almost tripping her in the process. "Nazz," is all he says.

Maybe it was the way he had ignored her, or his tone, or the speed at which he got up, or the heat spreading across her face but she blurted out: "OH? Is this you drawing a line? When was the last time you did that?" She watches as he furrows his eyebrows and parts his own lips to speak but doesn't give him a chance. "Was it before or after you said you didn't like me in middle school but then kissed me anyway? Or, or maybe before you said you didn't need me as some beard to protect your straightness then asked me to the homecoming dance?" The burn in her throat was the only thing that made her lower her voice.

"You're right." Kevin says. The way he didn't tear his eyes off hers only pushed one more thing out of her.

"So what now? Are you gunna run downstairs, proclaim that you suddenly love dick and carry Edd out princess-style?!" She could almost taste the guilt on her tongue. She had always been smart. She had always had common sense and compassion and restraint but she'd clearly forgotten those parts for a brief second. She jerks her face downward as Kevin lets a huff of air out through his nose.

"Wow, I've fucked up that bad huh?" He says, mostly to himself.

Nazz throws her head back in an attempt to clear her throat. Kevin continues, "I'm not asking you to forgive me. I've blurred my own lines in the past. And clearly I never considered how you felt about it. But I can't keep doing it... we can't keep doing it. It's not fair to either one of us." He sits back down on the bed.

"You're not wrong." She mutters, taking a distanced seat next to Kevin. Her response makes him grin before he responds, "But you are my best friend. And you always have been there for me."

Nazz shakes her head at his words, "I shouldn't have done that- as your best friend."

Kevin can't help himself from letting out a single chuckle, "Yeah well you'd think after all these years we'd be better at this whole friend thing." The blonde laughs that stubborn knot out of her throat. "We'll only be better friends after this." Kevin smiles. Nazz uses the silence to let out a sigh and go over to peak out of the curtains.

"You know that some of that anger was on his behalf right?" She says.

Kevin huffs and spreads his arms out before falling backwards on the bed, almost wanting to close his eyes and take a nap.

"I know."

Nazz takes one final look at hair then straightens her shoulders. She catches his chest rise and fall in comfort and she sternly starts, "Well," his eyes blink open, "I need we could both use a beer. Let's go."

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