Journal, Log 14

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26th January 1778

It took me what felt like three days to dig myself out of the cave and then one day to get down to the village. Due to my injuries I cannot walk faster than a snail and thus thought it best to go down to the abandoned village where we kept the animals. That is whereI am right now and where I write this. I decided that to go on and return I need to recover a bit of stamina and will thus rest there for a day. It was a good idea to keep enough food for a week here for the animals and some supplies for our return. I had already run out if not for what we stored here. I will use the horse to get back to the encampment. This was a very bad idea, in the passion of revenge I cost four men their lives and did not even have the decency to die with them. With what face will I tell the others about what happened here? The tracks outside the mountain although faded suggested that the monster descended the mountain and then disappeared somewhere.

Tomorrow I will use the horse to get back to the base and then leave this godforsaken place for good. Although I must note here this observation that I made during our encounter with it. It is weak towards fire, that much is established but that alone is not enough to kill it. Or more precisely it is not fast enough to kill it, the guns when fired at close range did more damage than the fire, owing to the gunpowder. This venture has been a failure as much as I hate to admit it. I have given up, as soon as I get back, I will make plans to leave for England and report our findings there.

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