* gift pt.2 * +18

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Warning: Smut , vanilla AF and for crappy writing

1,874 words: this'll be long ass chapter
( U _ U )/~~
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Kageyama's POV

Staring at the ceiling of my bedroom, I tuck my head under my right arm

"Tobio" my head turn at the knocking sound thru my door

"hang on a sec." I get on my feet and walk forward my door

Twisting the door knob open before pulling it open I stare at mom for a second

"you have a visitor" she said and I raise a brow

"This late?" I ask and blink, feeling confused and somehow sensing something's off

I open my mouth to ask another question but mom cut me off

"Hinata Shoyo, he said it's his name" I gape and move past her but turns out he's just hiding behind my mom

Small as always

I sigh in relief and hold his hand to pull him inside my room but I was taken aback  by the coldness of his hand

"Alright tobio I'll get going and oh you should stay over shoyo, treat him nicely alright" mom smiles at the orange headed idiot and I just stare at the interaction

I push the door and lock it before facing hinata with scrutinizing eyes

"What the heck got into your mind?" I scold him

"It's freezing out there and you commute here all alone with the temperature so low plus what are you wearing?" I fume in anger and crouch down to match his height

"I-i'm sorry.. .I'll get going" his voice is shaking and his hands were clasped together

this fucking idiot

"oi" I clench my fist and grab him by the arm before pulling him again in front of me

"Look at me and stop this nonsense you came here because you wanna tell me something right" I growl and out of nowhere he started to sob


Fucking j esus

I sigh and hug him close, pushing his cold body against mine

I kissed his head and hugs it

"I wanna break up with you"

I blink and paused for a second but shake my head afterwards

"Nope" I mutter and hug him tighter

"B-but you don't like me right? I know you're just pushing yourself because you pity me and you wanted to hurt me for being annoying and du--"

I cut him off and push him down the bed

His face is so red

Cheeks stained with dry tears

Lips chapped

And his hair is a mess

I sigh and rest my head on top of his shoulders

"Stupid" I mutter

"let's break up kageyama" he sobs and I sigh again..

"you really want it?" I move my face away from his shoulders and closes the gap of our face

His eyes were locked into mine

I can see a tear forming on the corners of his eyes..


•°•| KageHina |•°• +18 ONESHOTS (kurooken?)Where stories live. Discover now