* only you *

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Come on

Out of all guys in the karasuno high who in their right mind would like a dumbass tobio kageyama?

I glare at the bunch of girls outside our room

I'm pissed off obviously

The girls from different sections and even some of the senpais are outside

what the heck is wrong with them?

Are they nuts?

Can't they see we have a class?

I pout and glare at the  board while the teacher pay no mind to the girls outside

He still kept talking about the lesson--- whatever I don't get it..

I scratch the back of my head and sigh in frustration

Looking down at my hands I slowly unclenched my tight hands who's formed into a fist

"Oi shrimp, u alright?"

I snap my head towards the voice I recognize without even looking at his face

"fuck off" I mutter and propped one hand under my chin while my elbow was rested on the table

Kageyama kick the back of my chair and I role an eyes in response not in the mood to make pointless argument

The ring bells and I immediately stand up and dash out of the room while the girls outside wave at kageyama like they know him for long

I gritted my teeth and bit my lip in annoyance

"matte oi Baka!" (Wait oi idiot)

I hear footsteps far from my back

The footstep is getting louder and nearer 

before I could even run away I found my neck on his grip (choke me like u hate me but u love me)Sending shiver down my spine I bit my lip hard while my head is hanging low

"I'll brake your neck if you ran away again dumbass" his voice is laced by anger and pissed tone

Why would he be pissed of?

Isn't that what he want?

"hanase" (let me go) I mutter boldly between my gritted teeth


A soft voice

behind kageyama was a smaller girl ,has petite body and cute face

I found my eyes drawing daggers at the girl who used endearment on his name

chan? ehh?

"What did you say?" I ask and her features was replaced by a terrified look

"uhm if u don't mind Can you please give us a little privacy?" Kageyama smile at the girl genuinely and something deep inside me ache

That smile just now..

it was the smile i wanted to see. i want to make him smile like that but that girl well why would he smile to a guy like that he's not gay or something that's just impossible

i should stop hallucinating

i can't just give meaning to every smile and actions he's been making 

Inside my chest somehow

y does it hurt
Seeing him smile

•°•| KageHina |•°• +18 ONESHOTS (kurooken?)Where stories live. Discover now