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a/n: i really do be simping hard for kento rn lmao but ehe thank you so much for reading this!!! >//<



Yuta shouted, attracting the other classmates' attention. Erika hit his hand to snap him out. "What should I do? I saw him with her. Giggling little bitch," she gritted her teeth, the scene replayed at the back of her head like a broken record. She cant believe she caught him in action with her. "And you didn't attack him?" he asked.

She shook her head.

"Erika, that's your boyfriend! Why didn't you stop them?"

How can I not. He looked so happy. "I don't know, man. It was just... too sudden." She frowned and turned to look at him. "you're his best friend. Why are you lingering around me right now when you're the one who should be punching him in the face?" she asked. Yuta was a bit stunned but continued to kill the awkward silence by clearing his throat. "I will but I need to hear both sides."

"You know about it, didn't you?"

"No. well, yeah. But I thought it was a harmless groupmate."

"Groupmate my ass,"

She sighed and stared at her phone's lockscreen. Thoughts playing in her head and she felt like crying again. It's not like he was her everything but she dedicated so much of her to him. What else does he wants from her?

"I'm going to talk to Kento," Yuta said and stood up but she instantly stood up too. "I will go. His class going to finish anyways. I'll grab lunch with him."

Without saying anything else, she sprinted out from the cafeteria to his department. She cried too much last night but thank god the makeup covered most of it. She's not that good with makeup but good enough to cover simple scars. Yes, scars.

When she was few meters away from his class, she saw him walking out with her. Ayaka... she was walking with him again. They looked too good to be true.

"Kento!" she shouted to gain his attention. He turned to her direction and smiled. Sneaky fucking bastard. Smiling as if he did nothing after he kissed her. "Erika, you're fast." He chuckled and ruffled her hair right after she stop beside him. Ayaka smiled. "Hello Erika. Heard a lot about you," she said and reached out her hand for a shake.

Erika shook hand with the sweetest smile she could give. "Hi. You are?"

"Ayaka. I'm in the same group with Kento,"

"Ahh, same group eh?" she said that and turned to give Kento a look. The boy was oblivious. "Anyways, I'll meet you later Ayaka."

"Okeis. I'll drop by your house later."



"Just groupmate?" she said crossing her arms, leg crossed, staring straight into his eyes. Kento nodded. "Why?"

"Then what was the kiss I saw last night?" she attacked him right away. There's no use of sugarcoating shits anymore. Kento was taken back but tried to keep his composure. "What kiss?" he asked her back. "Don't play dumb with me Yamazaki Kento. I saw."

He swallowed the sudden lump in his throat. "Are you sure you saw me and not someone else?"

"What else do you want me to do? I gave you so much already," she said. She could feel her tears threatening to fall down. His expression suddenly changed. "What did you give me?" now, he crossed his arms and gave her the cold look. At that point, she knew...

We're going to end...

"I thought I'm the best girl you've ever had." Kento let out a boisterous laugh. "Fucking give me a break, baby." He laughed. "All you do was thinking about yourself. You and your oh-so-well-mannered." He added. "you never give me a chance to give you anything. Why not I go and give someone who actually need me?"

"Are you for real now?"

"What else? The sex was nice. Your attention? Unlimited. But, there's something wrong with us." He said. "Erika, I don't think I am in love with you anymore."

We were in love, Kento...

"Why... why didn't you tell me? You wanted me first,"

"I want you. I do. But the feelings are not there anymore. Ayaka gave me so much. I gave Ayaka so much..." he smiled, remembering the days. "You literally just know her for 3 months."

"And that 3 months' worth so much more." He was being too straightforward. Too straightforward, she couldn't think of a comeback. "You're not regretting this?" she asked him and hastily wiped the tears off her face. She saw for that split second, his expression softened when he saw her wiping her tears. Kento looked away. "I won't."

"Is this really the end?"

"it might,"

"What the fuck you mean by that?" she half shouted at him. Kento, look at me...

"I might regret this but I can't do it anymore," he said without looking at her. "i-"

"Don't say you're sorry." She snapped. "I will make you feel sorry," she said and walked away.

It's not the end, right?

To be continued. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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