Chapter 4 - First Night at Hoggy-Warty Hogwarts

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The beginning of the year feast was definitely not what Y/N had expected. The Great Hall was lively as students piled food onto their plates. Everyone was chattering away, some of the fifth years around her discussing their O.W.L.s that were coming up (Y/N made a mental note to ask someone what those were). She was even having a pleasant conversation about Tawny owls with a second-year when it all went downhill from there. Out of her plate, a translucent head popped out. It made her drop the treacle tart she was eating at the moment and let out a blood-curdling scream. She wasn't the only one; a handful of students started yelling and one even cried a bit.

Next to her, the second-year, Alice Fortescue, covered her ears whilst holding back a small snicker. Lily definitely wasn't off to a better start; she was slowly moving towards Mary and attempting to hide (at least that was what Y/N thought she was trying to do). The older years didn't even seem startled by the hundreds of ghosts that were popping out of nowhere. They continued eating and some even conversed with the ghostly figures.

"Hello, Sir Nicholas," said Alice after Y/N had somehow calmed down. "How was your summer?"

One of the ghosts, a prim and proper looking fellow dressed in old Parisian fashion turned towards Alice. "Terrible as always! The headless hunt did not accept me into the hunt nor did they accept my Death Day invitation," he answered, his voice filled with remorse.

"Did they have a reason?" Asked Alice, trying to hide a small amused smile.

"Of course, they said you have to be headless to join!"

"Well," Y/N chipped in, her previous fright ebbing away, "It's the headless hunt, innit?"

Sir Nicholas gave her a look of disapproval and mumbled, "It's always the first years who disrespect me the most."

Lily, who had been listening in, piped up, "Isn't it a requirement to join a headless hunt not - well - not having a head?" Sir Nicholas looked ready to explode. His deathly pale face contorted in anger and his nostrils flared.

"Leave him be, he's pretty much headless anyway," chided Alice, spooning more pudding into her mouth.

Y/N stared at her in disbelief. It was plain to see that Sir Nicholas had a head, however ugly it may be, it was still there. Alice wasn't telling them every detail, but she wouldn't be able to anyway.

"I KNOW WHO YOU ARE! NEARLY HEADLESS NICK, MY DAD TOLD ME ABOUT YOU!" Yelled James, although it was quite unnecessary. He cast a glance over at Y/N and Lily, "They're muggleborns, wouldn't really know much about Hogwarts.

That's Nicholas de Mimsy, although everyone calls him Nearly Headless Nick. His head wasn't chopped correctly; still hanged on by the smallest piece of skin when he died."

Y/N shot James a glare. He probably felt like he was being helpful but she was incredibly insulted when he brought up that she was a muggleborn. What did being a muggleborn have to do with knowing how someone died; his words may not have meant to come out condescending but Y/N surely thought they did.

James lifted his hands in mock surrender and returned to his own little group. Y/N did the same, joining the gossip with Marlene and Mary about which class they were most excited for. McGonagall had passed out their timetables already and Y/N was quite surprised at the list of classes: Potions, Herbology, Charms, Astronomy, Defense Against the Dark Arts, History of Magic, and Transfiguration. Astronomy caught her eye and she groaned loudly; it was at midnight on Wednesday.

"So tomorrow we have..." Marlene started, eyes focusing on the little slip, "Double Transfiguration at nine, Double Charms at eleven-fifteen, one hour of flying at two followed by an hour of History of Magic -

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