Chapter 9 - Hagrid's Hut

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The next class, History of Magic, was all about Wendelin the Weird; a topic that should have been able to liven up the bleating students that actually decided to show up to class instead of visiting Madam Pomfrey's. However, the class seemingly dragged on forever. Y/N was seated far away from any of her friends, towards the back of the class but that didn't stop Professor Binns from boring her half to death. Once he started talking about the witch trials he wouldn't stop; Wendelin quickly became an afterthought. Instead, he droned on about the intricacies of social awareness of wizardry during the medieval period and the multitude of laws that would be placed by wizarding society to combat the persecution. A topic about the woman that allowed herself to be burned at the stake a whole forty seven times over, and that should have created a stir of curiosity within the vexed students, turned into a lesson on politics.

Y/N was busy doodling and occasionally writing something illegible over her notes when a small paper plane landed perfectly in her hair. She snatched the paper before Binns could turn around and turned to glare at the direction from which it came. James and Sirius were folding multiple planes and throwing them in any direction possible. One landed on Remus's notes, spilling ink all over his blank pages, rather staining his clothes as he just barely stirred from his nap. Next to him, Peter was reaching over to the plane, no doubt trying to hide it from view. Another plane was clearly laying next to Lily and Marlene towards the front of the room but neither paid it any head; Lily continued scribbling away about some useless information and Marlene was trying the hover a feather over Binn's head without him noticing. Y/N smiled to herself: it seemed that she wasn't the only person growing weary of the topic.

A plane zoomed past her face, so closely that she could feel the slight breeze it left in its wake. Y/N watched as it slammed into Severus's eye, eliciting a sharp yell of pain from him. The whole class turned in their seats to face him, the shock of the sudden noise causing a few students to jolt from their seats.

Professor Binns didn't bother turning around from the board, where he was drawing some strange apparatus. "If you have a question please raise your hand," he said, dragging a long line with his chalk. In the time that Y/N was busy looking around the professor had managed to somehow connect the witch trials, King Henry VIII, and Cornelius Fudge.

James raised his hand, "Professor, I think Snivellus needs to go to Madam Pomfrey."

"Yes, yes, you can go Mr. Snape."

"I'm fine," Severus managed out, holding a hand over his eye. Mulciber next to him was sneering at James, which made Sirius grin.

Professor Binns finally turned to look at the class, looking straight at the Slytherin boy. "Clearly not. Go to the hospital wing."

When Severus hadn't moved from his seat the professor was becoming clearly irate. "NOW!"

Sirius's hand shot up in excitement. "I can take him professor. You know, make sure he doesn't get lost on his way."

"No, not necessary Mr. Black. Ms. L/N, would you mind taking him instead?"

Y/N groaned as she stood up and walked towards the boy, who was looking anywhere but her. Severus collected his quill and books before all but running out of the class. Y/N followed him, passing by Jame's table, where he was eying the patient with distaste.

"Prat," she muttered loud enough for the two boys to hear, which sent them into side clutching laughs. The sound mocked her all the way until the huge wooden doors closed behind her.

She gave a once over to Severus. His eye was an angry shade of red and lightly swollen. She gestured with her head towards the expansive opening of the corridors, "Think you ca' walk yourself well 'nough or d'ya need a hand?"

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