To the Dorms

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I'm kind of worried about bob. I keep finding him in the corner whispering to himself every time we change classes. Now that I think of it, does bob even go to this school? I'm confused... until he notices me and starts hissing like some sort of crazed snake. "Uh... hello..?" I ask.

"Those idiots are gonna steal my survivor remains. They're gonna steal them. You're  not gonna let them steal them? Are you? Are you a good friend? ARE YOU?" He starts to laugh hysterically. I'm confused about what he's doing till I find what he's eating in the trash can. A DEAD FUCKING BODY. WHAT THE FUCK!?!?

"B-Bob, you're gonna get in trouble!" I stuttered, trying not to puke. What the hell was he thinking!? "If Sam or bear sees you you're gonna get kicked and.." 

"Do you think I care?" Says bob. "If you really care about me you'll beat them up for me, won't you?", I'm scared to tell him that I'm not strong enough and that fool bear is one of the major bullies here and I can't possibly stick up for him... right?

"I... uh... gotta go!" I say. "There's a lot of stuff I need to do..!", I start to dash as fast as I can to get away from him and go to my dorm to hide.

"Running away? Well, not my fault if you wake up dead tomorrow..."

What the hell. I think a nap would fix this all. I cant even comprehend what just happened. I finally get to my dorm and lock the door. I lay on my bed, sweating and hyperventilating. "Just relax," I tell myself. "Just relax." 

My dorm-mate, fool bear (great, how much of his stupid face do I have to see today?) unlocks the door and comes inside with a bag of Cheetos. "What are you doing, rubber? I thought that you'd be at the snack machines after school today..." he says. 

"Its a long story..." I was about to say. But I knew his nosy ass would stress me out even more if I tried to shorten it at all. So I decided to just say "I was... erm... not that hungry." 

"Not hungry?" He laughs. "Well then I have these all to myself." He opens his bag of Cheetos, smears cheese dust all over his white gloves and crunches loudly. "Am I being annoying?"

"Yes. You're constantly annoying." I snap. "You and your stupid friends. If you guys left him alone I probably wouldn't have made the mistake of giving him my chocolate milk at lunch."

"You gave that freak chocolate milk?" He tries to act normal and not laugh, but whenever he does that I can clearly hear him. That stupid "hehehehehhohohahahehehhohoh" noise. "I never thought you were THAT dumb. Do you even know why we take his lunch?" 

I slap his smirking face and burry my face into my pillow. "I'm going to sleep early so I don't have to 'BEAR' your bullshit anymore." 

"Well, whatever." He says. "goodnight, stupid piss baby."

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