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    “No way! R&B is sooo much better!” Evan says.

He crosses his arms. Connor Smiles.

    “Nope… And Zoe can back me up on this, Rock is better” He says

    “But-But you can’t even understand the words!”

    “Yes you can, you just have little ears” 

Connor licks his pinky and sticks it in Evans’s ear. He laughs and pushes his hand away. They continue down the narrow sidewalk, when two other boys walk past them, causing Connor and Evan to have to move.

    “R&B is better…” Evan mumbles.

    “Agree to disagree…”

    “Yeah but rock doesn’t- OW!” 

There was a bang and Evan falls to the floor. Connor immediately stops walking and leans down next to his friend, who had a hand pressed against his forehead.

    “Are you ok? What happened? Who do I need to kill?”

    Evan grimaces and nods his head towards the STOP sign he had just run into. Connor looks from the sign to Evan, back to the sign, and then back to Evan before bursting into laughter.

    “Well, I’m glad you find humor in my pain… Frick…” Evan hisses as he gently touches the newly formed bump on his forehead.

    “Hahahahaha! You-you…! You ran into a fucking poll! Why wouldn’t that be funny!?” Connor clutches his stomach and starts to wheeze.

    “Your such a jerk, Connor” Evan tries to keep a straight face, but soon starts laughing too.

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