Wake Up

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Warning: Suicide

Evan walks into his apartment.

    “Connor! I’m back! I got tacos like you asked!”

    Evan sets the food on the counter and looks around.


    It was quiet. It’s never this quiet. Evan walks down the narrow hallway to Connors’s room and knocks on the door.

    “Connor? Did you hear me?’ He frowns

    “Can I come in?” Evan doesn’t wait for a response before walking into Connors’s room.

    Connor had his head between his legs, sitting next to his bed.

    “Hey… Connor?”

    “Hm,” Connor looks at Evan from through his thick hair.

    “Did you h-hear me?” Evan asks.

    “Oh yeah… Yeah, I heard you” Connor rubs his temples.

    Evan looks around until his eyes land on a pill bottle on Connors’s bed, but when he goes to grab it, Connor tries grabbing it as well. Fortunately, Evan grabs it first.

    “Having problems sleeping again?” He watches Connor stand up.

    “Give those back!” Connor growls.

    “Why? There empty” 

Evan looks at the date they were filled. Conner reaches for them but Evan pushes his hand away.

“Give them back Evan!”   

“Connor… These were filled yesterday”


    “Its empty Connor! Where are the pills!!” Evan screams.

Evan shoves the empty bottle in Connors’s face.

    “Connor! Where are they?!” Evan cries and Connor looks up.

    He walks towards Evan and wipes away his tears.

    “Its o-”


    Connor falls to the floor, his eyes glazing over and his fingers twitching. He looks at Evan.

    “ I’m sorry I-... I” Connor tries forcing the words out but couldn’t.

    “NoNoNoNoNoNoNo Connor! Connor! Look at me! Stay awake! CONNOR!” Evan pulls his roommate close to his chest as he fumbles for his phone.

    “Stay awake Connor! DON’T LEAVE ME!” Evan dial 9-1-1.

    Connor frowns and puts a hand on Evan’s face.

    “Y-Yes hello? I need help! M-My friend overdosed and-and… I WILL NOT CALM DOWN! 1211 Oak Dr…. O-Ok”

    Evan wipes his nose and looks at Conner who was gently rubbing his cheek.


    “Evan..” Connor smiles before letting his hand drop and his eyes close.

    “NO! Connor! Wake up! CONNOR!” Evan hangs on to Connor, his frame trembling.

    By the time help came, Connor was long gone

Treebros OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora