Chapter 1

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The sun smiled its warmth on the small village of Forgstone - a land in the Kingdom of Stars. The wildflowers were a brightly coloured carpet that blanketed the soft, green grass. Oak trees as old as time itself made a perfect circle around the village. One lone pine tree stood proud like a guard at his post.

A teenage girl laid out on the grass among the wildflowers; her long, rose gold hair draping over her shoulders. She breathed in the honey dented air and continued making beautifully coloured sparks in the sky above with her magic.

"Faith," a young man called as a dog barked.

Faith slowly sat up, but was knocked down again by a fast, fluffy flash of tan and white. The dog licked her face, wagging its tail wildly.

"Eijaz," Faith laughed as she tried to push the dog off, "Stop it!"

The young man stood next to the wrestling match. He sighed and shook his head.

"Connor! Help," Faith squealed happily.

Connor grabbed his little sister by the hand, pulling her up. Faith's hazel eyes shone as bright as the sun.

"Thank you, O Knight of the King," she said.

Connor rolled his eyes playfully, "Ha, ha. Very funny."

"Really? I thought so, too!"
Eijaz barked in agreement to Faith's statement.

"Come on," Connor said, gently pulling his sister by the arm, "Father wants you. Said you haven't been to milk Mrs. Pollin's cow yet."

Faith dusted off her long, white dress and hurried after her brother.

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