File 7: Seven Officials

311 25 20

[Date: September 12, 2020]

[Weather: Mediocre Beginning of Fall Chill]

|Drink of the Day: Pepsi (not sponsored) |

{Cases: 1}

- P. JS

{Official 1}

Stepping out of the plane door, Jisung's hand immediately moved to rest in a horizontal position against his eyebrows. He squinted against the bright sun and grimaced, continuing to move down the staircase that would put them in Jeju. He had only been to the island once before for a school field trip -- before he had been banned from field trips of course.

The youngest member of the team rolled his shoulders out from the short flight, still not used to traveling on a plane so often. Stepping onto the airport runway, an arm slung itself around Jisung's shoulders and he jumped slightly, turning his head to see Donghyuck giving him a half-smile.

"How you holding up Sungie?" the older said in a sweetish tone and Jisung scrunched up his nose at the question -- and at the nickname he had unwillingly been given.

"I'm fine sir," came Jisung's pleasant yet generic response and he shrugged the leader's arm from around his shoulders, eyeing the rest of the team that had begun to head off ahead of them, "Let's just get this show on the road." Donghyuck nodded in response.

Walking into the airport, the crowds of people lazing around only made a stuffy room stuffier and Jisung grimaced at the loud sounds of people talking and children crying. A man stopped Chenle ahead of them and Jisung's eyes flickered to the man's official tag before he immediately pushed his way to the front. Airport security.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Chenle was huffing indignantly when Jisung finally got through the rest of the team that proved an unfortunate obstacle. "We just got here off of a private jet, we didn't even fly commercial."

"I'm sorry but I'm going to need to see some documentation," the security official was set in his decision and Jisung rest a hand on Chenle's shoulder, pulling the boy back behind him. "We can't let you out of I don't see some passports."

"Good Morning sir," Jisung greeted politely and gestured towards the side of the room, "Why don't we move out of the way and discuss this further, I'm sure people are getting annoyed by this small blockage." And Jisung was right, for there were several annoyed and angered huff emitting from the lips of people passing around the large-sized group.

The airport security guard grew a bit more ruffled and the group moved off to the side at the secondary and echoed command of the guard. "I'm going to need all your passports," the man repeated again and, although Jisung had the passports in the bag around his shoulders, he felt a bit wronged that they had been singled out.

"No you won't," Jisung said calmly, his eyes glinting a bit as the man frowned in confusion, "I'm not entirely sure why we, as a group are being singled-out out of everyone in the airport. It's funny isn't it? Is it because we're all young, capable men? I don't really see or understand your concerns, maybe you could explain them to me?"

The man's blanched and he looked between Jisung's open and inquisitive face and the rest of the group behind him. "I don't have to explain anything to you, I simply need to see your identification, that's all."

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