Background Check #2: Mark Lee

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.......|......Candidate.....Mark Lee.....Age 19///22......|compiling.....compiling.....

Candidate's Name: Lee Minhyung; Mark Lee
Age: 19 (Previous) ----- Updated ----- 22
DoB: 02 August, 1999

Strengths: Well-versed in experience with supernatural beings, experienced in working as law enforcement and surveying a crime scene. Best at finding tracks, making observations, knowing what creature it is. Well recommended by his supervisor. Potential candidate for leadership position. Potential candidate for field position.

Weaknesses: No supervision by one of the Candidate Supervisors, not sure if the recommendations chalk up to his actual ability. Only well-versed in Canadian mythology and folklore. Does not work well with others.

- Review done by Candidate Supervisor Johnny Suh


[3 Years Previous to the First Meeting]

Hitting the front of his boots against the side of the cabin, Mark made sure he had knocked all of the snow off of his boots before he twisted the knob to his front door, quick to close and lock it. He let out a sigh at the slight warmth, mostly caused by the shelter from the cold winds. It would be warmer once he put a fire on.

Mark leaned over and switched the lights on, the warm bulbs flickering on and creating an instantly warming atmosphere despite the frigid cold still slithering in between the cracks in the door and windows.

He routinely tugged off his gloves, then his hat, scarf, coat, boots. All until he was left in his woolen socks, heavy pants, white undershirt, and suspenders. The nineteen-year-old yawned, stretching his arms above his head before he ruffled his hair. He ran his hands down it, eyebrows raising a bit at its longer length. He would have to cut it soon.

He had been busy though, busy enough to let it grow to the base of his neck. As one of the three detectives in the small town of Orangeville in the Canadian province of Alberta, he was one of the most relied on members of the community.

His job entailed much of solving the crime that went on in the town, which included the violent ones done by the supernatural beings in the surrounding woods.

Folklore had always been around Mark, ever since he had been a toddler. It was mostly due to his grandma, his mom and his dad usually having been against scaring Mark against his wits. But his grandmother had insisted that he be knowledgeable to keep himself safe, so they had relented. And by the time Mark was eight, he knew everything about any creature that lived in the area.

But he hadn't truly experienced it - it hadn't truly been prevalent in his life - up until the day that his parents had been killed on a town hunting excursion.

All that had been left was a torn bit of his father's prized hunting jacket, blood soaked into the corners and splattered across the badge that had labeled him as the Orangeville Sheriff. As he had been told, very bluntly for addressing an eight-year-old, they had been killed by a Waheela.

Also known as a Saberwolf, the Waheela are massive wolves with wide head, spread-out toes, and extremely long flowing fur -- white, in order to blend in with the snowy landscape. The townsfolk has speculated that one had come down from the Nahanni Valley to the North of them. The Waheela takes its origins from the resemblance of an Inuit creature called an amarok, a creature less violent but still dangerous.

Apparently it had gone after his mother first, his father having been the only one to see it and hear her shout before it had dragged her away. He had gone after her, and the other hunters on the trip had found their bodies 4 miles off. Really what was left of their bodies.

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