Memory Fifteen: Nanna

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When the sun arose the next morning, Gloria looked out the window to see about an inch of snow on the ground.

All that snow yesterday, and this is all that stuck around?

She rolled her eyes and stepped out of her bed quietly, concerned Bede might still be asleep.

"Good morning guys," she smiled to her Pokémon as they blinked themselves awake.

After straightening out her blankets, Gloria opened the door and stepped out into the loft. She looked over the railing to see if Bede was on the couch, but to her surprise, he wasn't there. Curious, she hopped down the stairs and stepped into the entryway to see Bede standing in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Hi Bede," she yawned, "Smells good—what is that?"

He flinched when he heard her voice, making Gloria smile a bit. She'd personally found his shyness quite adorable.

"Just some crepes. I woke up early and couldn't fall back asleep, so I went ahead and got ready for the day."

"I can see that." she noticed he was already wearing his gym uniform, "Going in for work soon?"

He shook his head, "I technically have the day off, but I was going to stop by the gym first. I mostly dressed like this out of habit."

She laughed, "I need to buy you some casual clothes sometime."

Gloria took a seat at his dinner table, and within a few minutes, he had a plate of crepes ready to eat. After a quick thank you, they both dug into the breakfast.

"It's good!" she complimented between bites.

He smiled, "I get a lot of practice cooking around here when it's just me. Glad to know someone other than myself enjoys what I make."

She sighed and leaned back in her chair with a full stomach, "What a nice date. I should probably go home soon though..."

"Yeah... probably," he agreed, "It would be bad if someone saw you wearing my clothes."

"Are you still embarrassed about that?" she nudged him playfully.

Bede glanced to the side, mildly annoyed, "Not necessarily..." he mumbled.

With a huff, Gloria shrugged and responded, "Fine! If you want me to leave so badly, I'll change and be out of your hair within the next hour."

Bede shrugged, "That's fine. I think this date has gone on long enough anyway."

After that, Gloria stood up, grabbed her clothes from the dryer, showered, and got changed. In the meantime, Bede deconstructed his couch-bed, and tidied up anything out of place in his bedroom. When Gloria returned, she was just as stylish then as she was during the beginning of their date.

As she walked down the stairs, she looked for Bede, but couldn't see him anywhere.

"Bede? Where are you?"

Upon hearing her voice, Bede suddenly scrambled to the various windows in the house and started shutting the drapes. His face was extremely red, and he was short on breath. Shocked, Gloria rushed to the bottom of the stairs and asked what was wrong.

"Bede—what is it? Why are you closing all of the curtains?"

He spun to look at her, his face somehow beet red and pale at the same time, "People."


"There are people outside."

Gloria's eyes widened and a lump formed in her throat, "Wait—slow down, what do you mean? I didn't see anyone earlier—"

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