Memory Thirty-Five ½: Dear Sister | Bonus 3

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Gloria's fingertips brushed one last time against Bede's, and the loving effort made her stomach plunge. Her legs passed her head as she descended, tears floating away from her face. her hand remained outstretched until she pulled it towards her mouth and kissed where she had briefly been in contact with him.

I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry.

"Don't be."

The voice caused her to open her eyes. She was suspended in the air, Jirachi floating elegantly by her side.

Gloria smiled grimly, her tears dripping down her chin, "Come to save me? I'm sorry sister, but I'm a lost cause."

Jirachi shook it's head.

"I have three wishes. Only one was used, Gloria. I want you to make the last two."

Gloria's eyes shot open, and her smile fell away into an agonized frown. She clenched her teeth and sobbed silently for a moment before answering.

"Oh Arceus—can I?"

"Of course. Though my name is Jirachi, not Arceus!" the Pokémon smiled, and it made Gloria release a huffy laugh.

"Then grant me two things," she took a tag in her hand delicately, "One: please destroy Project: Open Dream so that this never happens again—and keep my friends safe while you do it."

The letters, written in Galarian hand, glowed brightly before engraving themselves letter-by-letter into the green tag.

"And two: please destroy my ability to grant wishes. I want to be normal at last."

Just like the first time, golden letters engraved themselves onto the tag.

When the wishes were written down, Jirachi nuzzled itself into Gloria's arms. Then, their bodies enshrouded in a bright light, the two of them descended into the scalding, bubbling liquid below.

Gloria however, felt no pain or heat as she slowly rested her eyes. Rather, she felt safe—protected by the same Pokémon that permitted her life in the first place. Large, green, crystalline walls sprang up around the two of them, and Gloria's vision spiraled into blackness.

Her body felt strange and calm as it happened—as if a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. Jirachi, a content smile on its face, closed its eyes and fell into her lap.

"Your wishes are granted. Sleep well, sister."

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