flashback 2: the demon who was looking for love

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years ago .. in England, there was a little orphan with black hair and a pink lock moving like a flame, pale white skin with black marks of moving shadows, demonic amber yellow eyes, fangs and 2 small black whips with pink tips

his name was Burt Curtis, who at the age of 6 had to live in misery and robbery to survive, what had happened to his parents? it is not known .. only one day I came home with a bouquet of flowers for them and found something red on the ground .. it was wet and it tasted strong .. there were 2 puddles with that red thing ... after that he was left alone

1 year had passed since what happened, he lost his happiness and his innocent face became a monotomy and it would be expensive .. a face that lost its brightness, happiness and love .. after that he realized that he had to do what be to live .. WHATEVER. The day that all this ended was when a man with a top hat saved him from being raped by a degenerate, he saw it well ... a golden pistol ... a haughty smile ... and eyes that mocked him ...

-A little boy like you shouldn't be at home with his mother?

-And what does it matter to you .. I don't have my mother or my father .. that thing will do me good .. * raises his whips * give it to me and I won't hurt him

-LOL!! you think you brave eh boy?

the laughter ended when he heard a whip that took the gun away from him and saw how the little one grabbed him and ran away, however he was grabbed by another person

-ahhhhaghhh !!!

-Boss what do I do with .. this?

-mhhh .. let's take it ... it can help me ...

This is how Burt was "kidnapped" by the Toppat Clan, he was not so bad .. for the first time in 1 year he could eat perfect .. while he was destroying a huge chicken the man saw him smiling

-You have an appetite .. you haven't been eating huh?

-...- he said nothing and continued eating

-I want to know your little name ...


-hmm .. you don't have confidence, calm down I'll start ... my name is Terrance Suave, and I am the leader of all this .. family .. which we call the "Clan Toppat"

-.... burt ..


-B-Burt .. Curtis ...

-So Burt huh? Well Burt you will be living here, you will be well fed, however I will need you to cooperate in certain things that I ask if? but it will be another time ... * sees a Toppat * calls Reginald CopperBottom and Right Hand Man

After 5 minutes, 2 young people of 20 years arrived who saw incredulous the little one who had finished the bird leaving only the skeleton

-ah .. did you want us for something boss? - Asked Reginald

-If I leave this little one in the custody of the 2 ... educate him, train him ... and teach him communications ... he can serve us in various aspects- said that he patted the backs of the 2 young people and left there

Burt shrinks into place ... watching intently and seriously at the pair as his whips moved slowly

-me ... reminds me of incubus .. don't you think?

-That boy .. will give us many problems ...

-Righty, at least let's try ...- he said to approach and sit next to him- hey hi little one ... I'm Reginald and with my friend Righty we are going to take care of you

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