Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning with a arm around me. As my eyes adjust to my surroundings I see Aizawa laying next to me with his arms around me. I grab my phone with my free hand to check the time.
Monday, 6:30 AM Damn I got good sleep for once in the past like 6 years. I've had nightmares for the past few years, that's the draw back for my quirk. Nightmares.

I snuggled up to aizawa who was burring his head in my chest, I stroke his hair soon he woke up to. "morning sleepy head" I keep playing with his long black hair as he snuggled into my chest again. "Did you sleep well?" I nodded and he kissed my cheek before getting up out of bed and getting dressed. "where are you going?" he turned around and kissed my forehead "I have work and so do you" I get up and changed into Aizawa's hoodie he had on last night and some leggings with a hole in the back for my tail.

As Aizawa walked out the door he yelled "Love you Kitten!" I ran over and hugged him from behind "Love you to zawa!" he grabbed my waist and kissed me before leaving. After he left I went to the 'Room' you see in my closest there's a key pad in the back of it, if you put in the right code a door opens to a training room and a room with hacking computers.

I train for about 1-2 hours and am on the computers for an hour. until I get a call from Shadow,

S-Shadow Y-Y/N

S: Y/N!

Y: Shadow? what happened?

S: We need you back at the base NOW!

Y: Holy shit ok ill be there in a minute!

Hangs up

I grabbed my mask and ran out the house and to the base in the span of 3 minutes. Once I get there I sneak into the base through the roof. I stay on the shafts on the high ceiling watching what was about to happen, I signaled Shadow I was there and he signaled me to watch. I watched for a minute till I saw something that fucked me up. The person that walked through the door

Forbidden love Aizawa X assassin readerWhere stories live. Discover now