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Kaz was told to head to one of the cabins which he did find it had a card lock instead of code like most of the single cabins the new cabins were code so Kaz hoped it wasn't going to be to different but I pulled out his card and used it walking in to see no one he found a note on one of the tables

'this cabin is for those receiving high training if you're not apart of that then you will be kicked out'

Kaz: right I should be meeting this other new guy soon I guess might as well start unpacking

Kaz grabbed what he packed and placed it down thinking about what this other Stex will be like he wondered how serious they are and if there anything like him or if there the complete opposite of him Kaz waited for a few seconds before someone opened the door he looked at them seeing black furred male he seemed happy

Apol: hello I'm new here and I was told this is where I was to head to, to stay for my time here

He was to happy to have any training to be at his point he seemed like it was his first-time meeting someone it didn't seem possible

Kaz: I'm new here to but I have been trained this is just something I have to go through before going into active duty Apol: so you have been put into the higher training with me Kaz: ya I have a question what type of training have you been through Apol: oh um I know a lot about weapons and hand to hand also I know a bit about how to upgrade a weapon based on the way it's set up Kaz: ok that's the same as my training how many years did you do on it Apol: about two years why Kaz: I've done seven Apol: wait they can let you in that early Kaz: um no ah I don't want to talk about why though but ya I was doing it for that long Apol: man how much do you know Kaz: oh what I could for that time I was a head of the other new Stex but there is one person who really tried to keep up to where I was and knock me down from where I was but failed not everyone wants to see you succeed as they think they need to be the best

Apol looked at Kaz like he was depressed but he was just saying the truth Kaz sat on one of the beds watching Apol unpack some of the things he unpacked made Kaz question who his father was as you need to be rich for a Carrington cage device Kaz razed a brow thinking who he's the child of

Kaz: so what's your family like Apol: oh there like um nice their families were in the military before them so were they and now I am so you can say we always served the emperor and the empire so I could always rely on what they know to help me out with anything I needed help with

Even though he was trying to sound convincing he did convince Kaz he questioned a lot of what Apol said

Kaz: so what did you read when you weren't being taught Apol: oh you know most things to do about what's happening in the empire Kaz: what's happening right now Apol: they said soon that they will be sending out a few ships to explore to see what can be found out there if we can advance our technology Kaz: ok I hope we get to be a part of all that Apol: oh I think we will I mean being in the higher teachings we'll be done soon Kaz: maybe I mean there is the chance but knowing that we have to be a certain amount of years old before we can continue on to active duty you and I may be able to go into active duty now with what we know but we can't because we aren't old enough

Apol finished setting up his part of the room it was time for lights out

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