Chapter 2

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William awakens from his nightmare in a cold sweat, looking around discombobulated he sighs and gives out a breath. He rises from his bed and puts on his coat. Being outside of L'Manberg at night can be dangerous, without light the creatures of the night can attack you. William places his hands on the wall scouting at darkness in the distance making sure no one is peril. "Sir?" Suddenly a man stares behind William. "Ah Jack, sorry to spook you, I just couldn't sleep." Jack looks at the sleep deprived President worried, "It's okay sir I'll handle the watch from here, please rest you have a busy day tomorrow." William nods and heads back into his logging.

The sun has risen and the leaders of L'Manberg get into their carriage on the way to King Alastair's Castle. Wilburs mask is black, while Tobias' is white and Thomas' is a mixture of both. They walk up to gates of Alastair's castle whilst seeing a abundance of people laughing and dancing, while holding cocktails in their hands. Wilbur stands in the front with Thomas at his right side and Tobias to the left. William speaks, "Remember Gentlemen stick close and behave." He looks at Thomas. Tommy chuckles and grabs Tobias as they head towards the large crowd. William grabs a drink from the servant's plate and proceeds onwards. He then bumps into Sir Nicolas, a brave and courageous warrior, also one of Dream's right hand men. "Well if it isn't Mr. Revolutionary himself, how are you William?" He says whilst grabbing his shoulder. William replies, "It's President William now Nicolas, or had you forgotten who won the war." Nicolas smirks, "We won the war William, if it wasn't for Thomas saving your ass with his disk you wouldn't have a nation at all." William tired of Nicolas' remarks looks in the distance, and spots a young lady wearing her own mask sitting in corner of the party looking quite troublesome. "Well if you will excuse me Nicolas I have some things to attend to." "Of course" Nicolas replies with a bow. William makes his way to the lady across the crowd of dancers, gently pushing all who block him aside whilst not removing eye contact. William sits beside the troublesome lady. "Madam" he says with a bow and a kiss on her hand. "Sire" she replies. "I couldn't help but notice how much of a frantic you are in m'lady, are you alright?" William says calmly. "Yes, I am okay, however my friend seemed to have ditch me for one of King Alastair's knights and I know no one else." She replies. "Well now you have a new friend, My name is William, and I would love to know yours." The lady blushes, " I am Nikita, but my friends call me Niki sir." Niki replies. "Well Nikita, would you like to dance with me?" William raises his hand. "I will accept your offer Sir William." He takes her hand and slowly walks to the middle of the dance floor. Nikita place her hand on his shoulder and stares at the mystery man whom she only names by name. "So Nikita, what is it that you do?" William speaks. Niki replies, "I work at my mothers bakery, I was only invited to this glorious party due to my friend who is still gone... what about you? What is it that you do sir?" William looks at her and her glistening eyes, " I am just a simple man making his way through this life."

Across the hall, Thomas and Tobias head up the stairs into the second floor of the castle which is restricted. They hide behind a corner as one of Alastair's knights move past them. They remain unnoticed, they come across a locked door. Thomas grabs his hidden blade in his boot and tries to finesse the lock open. Tobias stands guard, making sure they don't get spotted. Thomas breaks the lock open and takes a peak inside. He looks thru the crack when suddenly inside the room King Alastair opens the door! Thomas falls face first into the room. Alastair looks down at Thomas, "Thomas what are you doing up here!? You know this area is restricted!" Tobias is brought up by a guard holding a sword to his throat. The knight speaks, "Sir, I caught this man walking through the restricted halls, should I execute him?" Alastair interjects, "NO, dear god do not touch him, leave us knight." Alastair says with a wave of his hand. The knight bows and leaves. "Now tell me, what were you doing up here?" Alastair stares at Tobias knowing he will speak, "Well Alastair, we were just wondering if you have any ownership of Thomas' disks?" Alastair sighs, "No, I don't, Dream has them all lads, I'm sorry." Thomas shouts, "WHY THE HELL SHOULD WE TRUST YOU! A TRAITOR!?" Alastair looks down in despair, "I did betray you guys, but it wasn't in angst or hatred, I'm sorry my friends. Anyways you should go back downstairs, I'm giving a toast soon." Tobias grabs Thomas and walks back down the stairs to the hall.

In the middle of hall William and Nikita slowly dance to slow music, following each other's footsteps in perfect symphony. The music ends and William and Nikita bow to each other. The crowd claps and cheer when suddenly King Alastair enters the room, he raises his hand for silence. "Ladies, gentlemen, and others, I am very pleased with you all for attending my party. For the last couple of weeks Our kingdom have been in a gruesome war... a pointless war... so I am here to extend my hand to the Free nation of L'Manberg, so President William, will you accept my offer?" All eyes turn towards William in the middle, Alastair's hand outstretched, Nikita confused about the sudden eyes turns her gaze towards William. Her eyes widen, her mind puts the pieces of the puzzle together. She had just been dancing with William Soot, Revolutionary General, leader of L'Manberg, and know enemy of the monarchy... unless? William stares at Alastair deep in thought, predicting every outcome of each situation he chooses. William finally speaks, "King Alastair, I want what's best for my nation and a new relationship between our countries is the first step to a brighter future. So King Alastair... I accept your proposal." William and Alastair shake hands whilst the crowd cheers on. Everyone seems happy expect Thomas who hasn't forgotten Alastair's betrayal.

Suddenly a Scream is heard throughout the castle. Everyone turns their heads trying pinpoint the sound. William and Alastair are shielded by a group of knights. William grabs Nikita's hand and pulls her close to him behind the knights. A group of pillagers barge into the hall holding a dead knight and young lady. Niki shouts, "WILLIAM THATS MY FRIEND!" William grabs the knights swords from their sleeve and throws two across the room to Thomas and Tobias, Thomas blocks the pillagers axe with his sword and sweeps the pillager off his feet and proceeds to stab him, Tobias fends off a pillager but is then knocked down by another. Tobias looks up to see an axe swing down to his head. He closes his eyes but nothing happens. He peaks a eye open only to see a sword had been driven through the pillagers heart, the pillager falls forward and behind standing luminously is Dream, Former King, Quite possibly the greatest warrior and The most powerful being in the land. He turns and sees 6 pillagers standing in front of him, he cleans the blood of his sword and smirks. With ferocious speed and extreme fluidity Dream dodges each swing and proceeds to draw quick decisive blows to the pillagers. Within seconds Dream is on the other side of the pillagers and they all fall at once. Dream sheathes his sword and turns towards Alastair, he gives a nod and proceeds to walk out of the castle and into the dark forest. Tobias still frozen is picked up by Thomas. "Are you okay Tobias?" Tommy says, "I forget how bloody amazing it is to see him fight Thomas!" Tommy shakes his head

William looks at Nikita, "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" Nikita a bit shaken responds, "I'm fine William, thank you, but my friend... she's dead William... she's actually dead!" Nikita begins to cry, William notices and hugs her. "Shhh it's okay Nikita, take a breath, please take a breath, everything will be okay, trust me." She begins to calm down and takes deep long breaths, William clears her tears. Alastair shouts, "I WANT EXTRA GUARDS ON THE WALLS NOW! And find out how these barbarians got in!"  "King Alastair me and my men will take our leave now, thank you for the invitation, I'm sorry for how it ended." Alastair nods. Will picks up Niki and walks her out, he gestures to Thomas and Tobias to follow him. "I will see you two back at L'Manberg, I will take Niki home first." They nod and get into the carriage. Will calls for another carriage and sits Nikita into it. "Nikita where do you live?" "Near the docks" she says quietly. "Take us to the docks." William says. The carriage takes off and in the back will and Niki sit, Niki sits holding Williams arm and laying her head on his shoulder.

The carriage stops and William awakens. His hand around Nikita's shoulder. He pays the driver and picks Niki up, realizing their is only one home near the docks he takes her into it. The home was empty. Meant for only for one person, he takes her into the bedroom and places her on the bed. He moves the blanket over her, and looks at her sleeping in a soft gentle way. Taking a deep breath in, William leaves the home, and makes his way back to L'Manberg.

Hello readers i hope you enjoyed this chapter. I really want to point out that I am writing about the characters and not the real life people. I in no way condone shipping streamers in a weird stalker way especially if they are uncomfortable with it. If you have any ideas or comments please don't be afraid to comment I really appreciate it. Also the banner was created by Dianasm

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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