Chapter 17: Quidditch World Cup Part 1

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A/N: lol, so um, i messed up. i initially made the date august 31st (implying that hogwarts started the next day) but i totally forgot that this is basically the goblet of fire which includes the quidditch world cup lol. i'm dumb, but bare with me. also i know that some of this goes against the story line, but i promise it'll be normal for most of it. Also, some of the dialogue will be different then in the movies.

Waking up can be a beautiful thing. You know? You lie in your bed, melting into the mattress as you gaze upon the golden shine the sun gives to the world around you. You get out of bed at your own pace, bundled up in warm blankets, before slipping downstairs to a nice breakfast as you listen to the birds chirp.

Well, this was not one of those mornings.

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" A loud voice boomed as they shook me repeatedly.

"What the fuck, Ginny?" I groaned, as I struggled to open my eyes that seemed to be glued shut.

"It's the quidditch world cup, silly" she squealed as she hopped onto my bed.

Quidditch? Oh, yes! The wizard sport that the Weasley's were obsessed with, and might I say, it was strongly growing on me.

"And oh, Aidan Lynch" she cooed as she swayed around dramatically, "the Irish seeker, and love of my life. Oh, maybe he'll see me in the stands and will automatically swoon for me"

"Who wouldn't?" I said with a laugh, but she must have not caught the sarcasm.

"You really think so?" she said wide-eyed as she crouched down to meet my level.

"Try someone your own age" I laughed as I pushed her off my bed and onto hers.

"Anyways" she continued as she rubbed the back of her neck, "you need to be ready in 20 minutes so we can get going. Me, as usual, I'm prepared and ready" she said with a grin, gesturing to her fresh clothes.

"Fine, okay. I'll be down soon" I mumbled, and with that she skipped out and slammed the door shut.

With that, I groggily got myself ready as I stumbled into my leggings, and threw a lose sweatshirt over my long sleeve shirt. I threw my frizzy hair into a lose ponytail, simply praying that by baby hairs wouldn't be so prominent, but of course they betrayed me.

I, unlike Ginny, trudged down the stairs like a hippo, and like a hippo, I'm not exactly elegant.

Just a few short steps from the bottom, I missed a step and fell smack on my butt, tumbling down the remaining stairs, landing on my back.

Touch down.

And low and behold, there towering above me, are the twins, with the background snickers I detect to be Ginny, Ron, Harry, and Hermione's. There the Weasleys were, all cheery and happy.

"Incase you didn't know, Sky. Stairs aren't slides" George smirked as he extended his hand down to me.

"I don't know, George. I think Sky did a fine job revolutionizing the idea of stairs" Fred said with a bright smile as he extended his arm down to me.

"I hate you both" I sighed as I grudgingly took their hands, pulling myself up.

"So" I said, brushing my pants off, "Where is this game anyways?" I asked.

"We're going to England, baby" Fred said with a wink as he pulled his beanie over his long hair.


"Uhm, so uh, how does this work?" I asked nervously, as I stood in the fireplace holding powder. Yes, I looked like a fool.

"All you have to do, dear is say 'The Burrow' clearly and loudly, and then throw the powder towards the ground. Poof! As easy as that" Mrs. Weasley said with her usual, warm smile. "Yeah, sureeee" I thought to myself.

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