Chapter 6: Truth or Dare

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The days that followed were the best I had ever had. How else could I describe it? It was beautiful. Magic is incredibly beautiful. There's no logic behind it. It just happens and it's effects are wonderful.

The Weasleys were the best parts of magic. With magic, came the Weasleys.

Ginny and I became inseparable; almost as inseparable as the twins might I say. Ron and I also began to grow closer, past our bond over food, which really says something. He introduced me to wizard chess which I found quite entertaining, coming from a person who would normally have nothing to do with chess. George became my absolute best friend, despite his constant pranks on me. However, I instantly forgive him when he includes me in pranks on everyone else. I began to notice key differences in him and Fred's personalities as well. George was slightly more soft spoken than Fred and would often think carefully before saying or doing something. He was slightly more sarcastic and he often poked at everyone, though being the thoughtful guy he was, he knew people's limits. Fred was extremely talkative and could effortlessly gain attention with his charm, which he obviously wanted. He was impulsive in his speech and actions, though everything he did was intentional.

Fred, like George, became my best friend, but with the addition of teasingly flirty comments. I figure that's just his personality, so I try and not let his words get to me, but let's be honest, that's rather impossible. I learned that Fred also has an extremely caring and gentle persona when you get to know him past his macho man front. Like when they were playing quidditch and I tried running as fast as Ron's broom, but then ended up face planting into tree roots. Nasty fall. Well, he was the one nursing me in the kitchen, that is until Molly came into the kitchen to yell at him for allowing me to run. Man, Fred Weasley is such an onion.


the days that followed:

The five of us sat in the living room with me laying on the twins, where George was tying my shoes together and Fred was braiding my hair, while Ron and Ginny sat below us playing a game of Wizard's Chess, which Ginny was destroying Ron in.

"Okay Skylar, pizza should be here in about 20 minutes. The money's on the microwave, and we'll be back long after you go to bed" my dad said as he gathered his coat and keys from various parts of the kitchen. "And Skylar" he stopped, looking in my eyes with a stern expression. "Please be on your best behavior".

"I was planning on it" I said with a playful eye roll.

"Well then, we best be on our merry way" he announced as he clapped his hands together.

"Indeed! It's time to hit the town" Arthur chimed in as he threw his arm around dad.

"Behave, children. And if I find out that you were involved in any mischief while we are away, we might go out again to plan your funeral" Molly added, mostly towards the twins.

And with that, the door slammed close, leaving the five of us alone.

"Sooooo" Ginny started. "Anyone up for a round of Fire whiskey?"


"Um, what's that?" I asked.

"Only the best alcohol in the wizarding word" Ginny responded, absolutely appalled by my cluelessness.

"How would you know what it tastes like? You're only 13" Ron stood up, now in protective big brother mode.

"Hey, do you want the fire whiskey or not?" Ginny stood up on the first stair, meeting Ron's height. After no response, she started off upstairs. "Yeah that's what I thought, no more questions" she yelled over her shoulder.

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