Part 3-Lurking In The Shadows

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(Zander's POV)

"It sound like crying-" Sean trembled. I came out of the tent, trying to hear where the noise was coming from. Only because I wanted to lead them away from the noise. I don't really want to be a ghost buster today. It sounded like it was coming from the west near the damp bushes, and since I was trying to lead them away from that spot, I STUPIDLY said:

"It isn't coming from those bushes over there" I said pointing to the bushes.

Everyone looked at me.

It was all silent for a second. 

Then everybody broke into a run.

The crying got louder and louder as we approached. It started turning into a laugh as we got closer. A mix between crying and laughing. We made it to the bushes and pulled back the leaves to see a small girl, maybe 7. She had long ginger hair that was messily braided. She had bright red gleaming eyes and her clothes were pitch black and ripped. Tears were streaming down her face, and a great big smile lay on her face.

 Tears were streaming down her face, and a great big smile lay on her face

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"Mommy and daddy still love me"

"Even though they don't hug me"

"They kicked me here"

"They punched me there"

"Now they're fast asleep "

She sang over and over in the same tune of ring around the rosie/ ring a ring a rosie. "Hey, are you ok?" I asked. Rule 1: If somebody creepy is crying and laughing, don't approach.

"Am I ok? AM I OK? OF COURSE I'M OK! I'VE BEEN ALONE FOR THE PAST 268 YEARS! MY PARENTS OF COURSE I'M OK! " She screamed. Her head turned around further than any can. Not really a 180, a bit less. 

"Guys! Help-" I turned back and everyone had run away. Great. Now I was all alone, the one who was most afraid of the forest. "Do you wanna be friends? We can play a small game? It will be almost as fun as hearing my parents heads snap off their bodies!" 

"When you can't beat 'em, join 'em." I thought to myself. I ran faster than I ever had before. Bushes cut my arms and chest, I tripped over multiple things, but I kept going. "You're leaving me? THEN WE CAN'T PLAY OUR LITTLE GAME" She shouted. I finally made it back to camp. Cuts and bruises were all over my body. I ran inside the tent to look at them. Some were deeper than others. Blood was streaming down my chest, face, arms and legs. 

"Do we have a medkit?" I shouted.

(Luke's POV)

Was Zander hurt? Was Zander ok? I knew I shouldn't have listened to Milly to just leave Zander there! I'm such a bad friend. "Do we have a medkit?" I heard Zander shout. I tried to calm down, but did that mean he was seriously injured?

"There should be one in my bag" I said.

"Thanks" He said. A few minutes later he came out with a few bandages on his arms and legs. I wanted to asked a million questions like "How many cuts are there? It it bad? Was there a little or a lot of blood? Are you ok?" but I said nothing. Instead, Hailey said it. Everything I wanted to say. "Seriously, I'm fine." Zander said quietly. He's usually louder than that, so was he actually not? What happened with the girl? Zander put on a jumper, either because it was cold or he wanted to hide the bandages. 

"We should have a campfire to take our minds off of the girl." Milly said. 

"I have marshmallows!" Sean replied. So we started a fire with some of Zander's matches, the sticks and logs I found and Sean's marshmallows (Author: for food lol). We all got marshmallows on sticks and roasted them. We all sat down on the logs and tried telling creepy stories. Key word: TRIED. 

Haileys story was not scary.

"Once there was a woman who could play the trumpet. Every night she would play it. Practice at exactly 9:35 pm. One day she went out to buy food at the store. There was a special cleaning supply that had just been delivered. She bought it and left. When she got home, her TRUMPET WAS GONE (dum dum DUM)"

"You serious?" I teased.

Sean's story was short. And not scary.

"A small 4 year old boy met a 4 year old girl and they got married and everyone lived happily ever after!"

"That's not horror, that's hurl inducing." Milly said.

Zander's story wasn't a story.


I suck at making stories of the top of my head so I'd rather not say how it went. Milly's story was actually kinda scary.

"A princess lived in a tall castle. Her parents died from a mysterious incident. Some say suicide, others say murder. All the princess had was her butler and herself. The butler was rarely seen around the castle, so she just had herself really. A family had been shot one night. The news spread quickly. The town was dropping like flies. A month after the families murder, the princess and the butler were left. The only ones left. "If everybody else has been murdered... that means.... MY BUTLER IS THE MURDERER-" Her sentence was cut off by the sound of a gun shot. Her face turned pale and she looked at her hands. They were covered in blood. Then she looked up. Their she saw her butler, gun in hand and an insane look on his face. That was the last thing she saw. Her body dropped to the floor and the butler ran up to it. He started ripping her skin apart, showing her lungs. Some say he burried them, and if you feel the ground shake, thats them, still working, trying to grasp for air." 

Then we heard somebody clap. "AAAAARGH!" Zander screamed. We turned our heads and the ginger girl was there. "Now that's what I call scary" she said.

"How long have you been here?" I asked. 

"The whole time." She replied calmly. "So now you've decided to have campfires without me? That's ok, we'll just play hide and seek tomorrow" She smiled and then disappeared. We were gonna play a demon child's game.

Camping Trip (Lander story) Ft. RosyClozy's Characters (UNFINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now