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The wonderful world of Pokémon, dangers aplenty befall trainers annually. Granted it does a job of keeping populations low, however, it turns out parents and guardians aren't a fan of this system so saw fit to change it When a male or female reach the age of Ten, he or she may embark on their very own Pokémon journey. Or that's how it used to be at least. Murder, theft, kidnapping, rape are just some of the potential horrors that may strike upon young, unsuspecting, naive, wide eyed, innocent trainers and that's not even scratching upon the dangers of nature letalone Pokémon themselves.So as such, after much complaint from parents seeing their children once more, in body bags mind you, the Pokémon League saw fit to change the system.Now, for one to set out on their very own journey, an arduous criteria must be met first. To begin with, a potential Trainer must be at the age of Sixteen and passed a gruelling test to even receive their Trainers licence. The test being a set of practical and theoretical, set by the various local League institutions including but not limited to: Gyms,Pokémon Centre's, Labs etc. Furthermore, a potential trainer must have at least one fully evolved Pokémon that has also passed a test of Loyalty to the trainer. The rule remained that a trainer may receive a Pokémon from their local League institution on their Tenth birthday, but may not leave on their journey yet. The six years were meant to be spent training the Pokémon up so that in the event of a life or death situation, said Pokémon would be capable of defending their Trainer from any sort of threat and finally,the last requirement is memorising the Pokémon Bingo book

The Pokémon Bingo book. A joint collaboration by the various Regional Professors, that in essence assessed the threat level of a Pokémon and gave it a ranking of E to SS. An Eclass Pokémon are the Pokémon that are harmless such as Magikarp and Caterpie, the ranking proceeds accordingly getting more and more dangerous at every level, all the way up to SS. The Pokémon with flee on sight orders. Pokémon that are so powerful and dangerous that in the wild, should be avoided at all costs, regardless of status. ThesePokémon were ran away from, no questions asked. The only exceptions are Champion's, members of the Elite four and Elite trainers. SS ranked Pokémon were the natural disasters in vertebrae form. The Pokémon in this vaunted class are usually Pseudo Legendaries, legendaries and a select few non-legendaries.

The rankings don't just take into account the power of a Pokémon but also their temperament and typical behaviour patterns. After extensive research carried out by theRegional Professors Pokémon like Goodra, Dragonite, Metagross, Garchomp and others that would be tedious to name, are only considered S class, or in Goodra's case A class(the big gooey slime monster is a favourite of children everywhere despite its incredible power. They're still very gentle and kind Pokémon). 

This shows that to be an SS class,the Pokémon is not only abominably powerful but also outrageously moody. Legendary Pokémon of course are a given of this category due to their rarity, reclusiveness etc,however the Pokémon that are on this list and aren't legendary are the real nightmares Tyrannitar's, known for their rampages, are SS class due to the fact they will attack, overpower and in all likelihood kill a trainer that is unfortunate enough to run afoul of one iN the wild. Another SS Pokémon is Gyarados, as they are notorious for being powerful and particularly atrocious. However, on top of the list, the one Pokémon that, to come across it is akin to being struck by lightning, the most dangerous, vicious, brutal, rampant, wild and whole plethora of synonyms, Pokémon that is on top of the SS class is the Brutal Pokémon: Hydreigon.

Not a single person, in the entire world, hasn't heard of the beast. They're feared by all. Even in the wild, a Hydreigon is champion level Pokémon. Without fai lNot a single Trainer has a Hydreigon in their roster. Many of course have tried but it's always ended in tragedy. Lance tried, but had to have his Zweilous euthanised due to its threat to fellow Pokémon and humans, it did after all dismember a poor child who was at least twenty feet away and wasn't even looking at it.  It just attacked.  Alder, the Unova league champion did at one point own a Hydreigon and at the time, he was on top of the world.   However, it got into a fight with a pair Articuno, a fight which ended up killing all three Pokémon and injuring Alder severely in the process.  Not matter what Alder tried, his Hydreigon wouldn't listen to him when it caught sight of the pair of Freeze Pokémon .That's not to even mention the amount of times an unsuspecting trainer has ran across a random member of the Hydreigon evolutionary and found themselves scarred in one way or another.

Deino, Zweilous and Hydreigon.  Many argue that the species should be eradicated.  But Pokémon protection laws are in place to stop this, however, the species is limited to there being only a mere twenty allowed to exist at one time, over the entire evolutionary chain.  This is of course is only enacted near civilisation, there could be many more off in the

uncivilized wilds somewhere, but a Pokémon of this chain is always reported when it is spotted, without fail, anywhere near a route or settlement. When ones presence is detected the Pokédex will alert the trainer and instruct them away from the area while alerting the Champion of the region it was found in.  Even unregistered ones, the Pokédex is fine tuned to pick up the energy waves of S or SS class Pokémon and set off an alarm to warn the trainer in the event of coming across one of the Pokémon. Hydreigon has the most precautions set in place

The big takeaway from all of this. Do. Not. Go. Near. A. Hydreigon

TO BE CONTINUED ..........

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