Chapter : 3

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Ash turned ten.

 He would be receiving his first Pokémon today.Officially

Twice Ash will receive a starter.

 When he turns ten and when he leaves for his journey During the time in between, Ash could own a maximum of four Pokémon. 

He could catch a Pokémon from nearby or his family or sponsor could supply him with a second or third-fourth. 

When a trainer leaves on their journey, they can carry twelve Pokémon due to being experienced enough to take care of this many Ash's sponsor Professor Oak had a system in place for choosing starters. 

There were thirteen students that were tutored by Professor Oak along with Ash. The top three had the honor of choosing their Starters from the classic three Kanto titans, Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle. 

The Professor of course has other Pokémon for other students but the weren't the valued three After much work, Ash, Gary Oak and Leaf Green were the top three students and set to receive the legendary three .

Ash arrived at Oaks lab and sat next to his good friend Ritchie, the number four student. 

The boys were barely able to sit still they were so excited "So, who ya gonna choose Ash?" Ritchie asked excitably, Ash put on a thoughtful look "I dunno, I think I'll wait for when I see em'" Ash replied. 

After having worked with Zweilous for two years now, he learned not to judge a book by its cover. 

The Titans may be vaunted, but if he felt a better vibe from a Pokémon that isn't one of the three, then he'd take that one.

  The boys quieted after this as the Lab lobby filled up with the trainer hopefuls and the Professor entered the room "Good morning everyone!" The Professor beamed at the excited children "today's a major day in each of your lives as you will each be receiving your very first Pokémon, your life long friends and partners" the Professor looked each of his students in the eye to gauge their state of minds. 

There was some worry and anxiousness but it was mostly excitement and anticipation "now I needn't remind you how important today is, I won't bother lathering you all with a speech on responsibilities as I'm sure you all know by now and are way too excited to sit through yet another of my boring lectures.

 So without further ado, follow me!" The children almost bounced on the professor's heels as they followed him to the corral .

On the way "Hey Ashy-boy! I bet I'll get a better Pokémon than you!" Gary Oak, Ash's rival taunted.

"Yeah right Gary, I'll be amazed if a Pokémon even comes near you!" Ash retorted.

 They began to butt heads until Leaf grabbed both their ears "Shut up!" She merely told them. 

She was way too excited to give the both of them a stern talking to, so she limited herself to just that Being cowed as the duo both wisely listened to Leaf, they resorted to glaring at each other as they continued to follow the Professor.

When they entered the corral, that in itself was nothing special as they had all been there multiple times, rolling hills, green grass, a few ponds and lakes, a rocky are and an  expansive forest greeted them.

 What also greeted them though and was the apple of the children's eyes was the assortment of Pokémon sat waiting or playing just outside the Lab.

Ash spied the Kanto three, a Nidoran duo, a Magby, an Elekid, a Poliwhirl, a Bellsprout, a Machop, a Geodude, a Cleffa of all things and finally, a distance away from the group of Pokémon was a lone Pikachu who looked to be trying to escape, but was thwarted when Professor Oaks Arcanine stepped in front of it.

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